Tender Description

نرجوا من الشركات التي تعمل في مجال تصميم وتطوير المواقع الالكترونية , ارسال عرض سعر بعد الاطلاع على المواصفات المطلوبة لتصميم موقع الكتروني كالتالي :- 



AlKafrawi in cooperation with Cowater International, acting for the Trade Facilitation and Customs Support Programme (Tasdeer), is soliciting quotations from eligible and responsible suppliers for the supply, delivery, and installation of olive oil filter. The Trade Facilitation and Customs Support Programme (Tasdeer) is an official program of the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), Contract No. PO10054, and is being carried out in West Bank and Gaza. The objective of Tasdeer programme is to improve the Palestinian private sector competitiveness and the PA’s capacity in the fields of trade, customs and import policy regulation and administration. TASDEER programme aims to increase sustainable private sector led economic growth and job creation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the PA’s fiscal sustainability while ensuring equitable access to increased trade, and improved institutional capacity. Gender Equality and Social Inclusion are main tools and objectives for Tasdeer to ensure the benefits of the programme are equally accessed by the diverse groups of men and women in the supply chain.

Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that their offers are received in accordance with the instructions stated herein.  Failure to adhere with instructions described herein may lead to disqualification of a proposal from consideration.


Questions regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this RFP may be submitted by email to [email protected] no later than 4:00 PM (local time) on Monday 27/3/2023. Questions must be submitted in writing; phone calls will not be accepted.

Offers must be received no later than 4:00 PM (local time) on Monday 3/4/2023. Offers received after this date or time will be considered late and will be considered only at the discretion of Company address.

Instructions for Submission of Offers

Each offeror must submit its proposal in two separate attachments: The Technical proposal shall be submitted in separate attachment from the financial proposal.

All offers and related documents must be sent by mail to: [email protected]. Please enter the following in the subject section:

“Technical services/ Development of AlKafrawi company website”

All offers must be prepared in English.



Terms of Reference


Company Background

AlKafrawi For Investment Food Company markets traditional Palestinian food products that are collected from local producers and then processed and packaged under the company's brand names, AlKhalil for export market, and AlKafrawi for local market. AlKafrawi exports its products to Canada and is planning to target Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) market as a new market.

AlKafrawi is working with Tasdeer program to expand their export markets, improving its production capacity, and implementing export growth plan which entails enhancing the company creativity and capacity to provide high quality products to be able to compete in the international markets. One of the key activities required towards achieving the desired growth of exports is enhancing the company’s and its products’ presentation through developing a new website. This activity includes developing a new website using the existing domain name (http://kafrawifood.com ), localization of the new website to include Arabic, English and French languages, and developing creative content that includes high quality photos and description of the products (in the 3 languages).

Objectives of this assignment:

AlKafrawi for Investment Food Company with the support of Tasdeer program will contract an external IT firm (Technical services/ Development of AlKafrawi company website) to achieve the following objectives:

  • Design a new website for AlKafrawi company to creatively display the company’s products.
  • Enhance the company’s and products presentation through development of the website content, including high quality photos of the products and products description.
  • Enhance the website accessibility through localization of the website to support 3 languages: Arabic, English and French.
  • Enhance the communication channels with the clients through linking the website with the company’s Facebook page and WhatsApp.

Scope of the assignment:

  • Task 1: Quick assessment of the company’s requirements:


  • Meeting with AlKafrawi company to understand their needs and requirement for the website.
  • Discuss all features and requirements to be included in the website.
  • Documentation of all agreed upon requirements.
  • Submitting a detailed action plan for the assignment implementation with deliverables and deadlines.
  • Task 2: Design of the new website:
  • Design the new website and all its pages based on the agreed upon requirements in task 1.
  • Submitting designs for discussion and approval by AlKafrawi company
  • Development and testing of the new website:
  • Development of the approved designs from task 2.
  • Implementation of all features, functionalities and requirements as agreed in task 1 and 2.
  • Implementation of the localization requirements to have a website supporting 3 languages (Arabic, English, French)
  • Hosting of the website using the current domain name: kafrawifood.com (replace the old website).
  • Linking the website with the company’s Facebook page and WhatsApp to facilitate and enhance the communication channels between the company and its clients.
  • Linking the website with the current email system of AlKafrawi, making sure AlKafrawi email is functioning correctly and no data is lost.
  • Testing to ensure bug-free implementation.
  • Development of the website content:
  • Taking high quality professional photos of the products
  • Development of the products description in the 3 supported languages
  • Adding the content to the website in cooperation with AlKafrawi team
  • Final testing and deployment:
  • Quality assurance and final testing of the final product
  • Deployment of the upgraded website and launching it online


The expected duration of the consultancy services will be three months (starting in April 2023). 

Type of the Contract:

Short term assignment


  1. Detailed action plan.
  2. Website’s new d
  3. Multilingual well-functioning website, linked with Facebook, WhatsApp and AlKafrawi emails.

Technical proposal requirements

The Technical Volume should describe in detail the offeror’s proposed plan for providing the commodities described. It should demonstrate a clear understanding of the work to be undertaken and the responsibilities of all parties involved. The plan should include details on equipment, personnel, and if any subcontractors that the offeror will make available to carry out the required activities. The plan should also provide details on the anticipated delivery schedule, including an estimated completion date. CVs of the key team members shall also be attached, showing how their skills are fulfilling the needed technical skills for this assignment.

Qualifications, skills, and professional experience

  1. The firm’s key team members shall have university degree from an accredited college or university in software engineering, computer science, or any other related field.
  2. The firm’s key team members shall have a minimum of 5 years’ experience working in areas related to e-commerce websites development and software development.
  3. In depth knowledge of e-commerce websites development requirements and e-payment gateways requirements.
  4. Proven experience in design and implementation of software and IT solutions in general, websites and e-commerce website in specific.


All electronic copies of documents in the Technical Volume must be in PDF.

The information contained in the Technical Volume should not contain any cost- or price-related information.

Basis for Award

The award will be made to a responsible offeror whose offer follows the RFP instructions, meets the eligibility requirements, and is determined via a trade-off analysis to be the best value based on application of the following evaluation criteria. The relative importance of each individual criterion is indicated by the number of points below:

  • Technical approach – 35 points: Responsiveness to the technical specifications and requirements. This will evaluate the offeror’s proposed methodology and work plan. The methodology should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the scope of work and firm grasp of the purpose of the required deliverables. The Work plan should include the organization of the tasks illustrating maximization of time and clarity in the assignment of personnel.
  • Experience – 30points in relevant field and corporate capabilities: This will include an evaluation of the capacity of the organization to perform the scope of work, review of success stories of previous experience in similar jobs and the ability to illustrate past successes in performing similar assignment.
  • Consultant Composition - 5 points: This will include an evaluation of the qualifications of proposed consultants; mix of experience and technical capabilities and assignment of tasks to maximize resources’ and meet deadlines. Evaluation of the CV and reference if needed.
  • Cost Proposal – 30 points: The overall cost presented in the offer.


  • Technical proposals that get score less than 55/70, the financial offer might not be considered.
  • Proposals short listed based on highest scores in the technical evaluation maybe required to make a presentation, after which the technical scoring will be adjusted for those short-listed proposals.

Best-offer quotations are requested. It is anticipated that award will be made solely based on these original quotations. However, AlKafrawi Company reserves the right to conduct any of the following:

  • May conduct negotiations with and/or request clarifications from any offeror prior to award.
  • May cancel this RFP at any time.


Location Hebron
Deadline 31, May, 2023
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