فلتر زيت زيتون
نرجو من الشركات التي تعمل في مجال توريد فلاتر زيت الزيتون تزويدنا , بعرض سعر لفلتر زيت زيتون ,الموضح في الصورة و حسب المواصفات التاليه :-
Basis for Award
Proposals will be evaluated based on their price-competitiveness of price for the most technically compliant offer:
Evaluation criterion
Evidence of current official licenses and certifications
Technical criteria acceptability
Compliance with required technical specifications
Commercial criteria
Lowest price
Best-offer quotations are requested. It is anticipated that award will be made solely on the basis of these original quotations. However, AlKafrawi reserves the right to conduct any of the following:
Negotiations with and/or request clarifications from any offeror prior to award.
While preference will be given to offerors who can address the full technical requirements of this RFQ, may issue a partial award or split the award among various offerors, if in the best interest of AlKafrawi
Cancel this RFQ at any time.
ANNEX 1: Detailed Specifications and Requirements
AlKafrawi For Investment Food Company markets traditional Palestinian food products that are collected from local producers and then processed and packaged under the company's brand names, AlKhalil for export market, and AlKafrawi for local market. AlKafrawi exports its products to Canada and is planning to target Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) market as a new market.
AlKafrawi is working with Tasdeer program to expand their export markets, improving its production capacity, and implementing export growth plan which entails enhancing the company creativity and capacity to provide high quality products to be able to compete in the international markets. One of the key activities required towards achieving the desired growth of exports is enhancing the efficiency of olive oil filtering which will lead to enhancing the quality of their olive oil product to better meet the international market standards. For this purpose, AlKafrawi is looking to install an olive oil filter to enhance their products quality, production time and efficiency.
Technical specification
Interested vendors should quote for the following:
Olive Oil Filter
Plate and Sheet Filter 40x40 for the Clarification and Precoat Filtration.
Suitable for the filtration of carbonated and non-carbonated liquids by means of filter papers or plates and frameworks for the filtration.
It is entirely made of AISI 304 stainless steel as well as its fittings, valves, drawing of sample valves, gauges, and sight glasses.
Plates and seals are made of food grade material sterilizable at 120 ºC.