الوصف الوظيفي

إعلان خارجي 

فني تخدير


Working under the MOU between UHWC & MSF

Overview of UHWC

UHWC is NGO leading Palestinian  knowledge-based community healthcare organazation established in 1985, contributing to community empowerment in healthcare and promoting the comprehensive concept in the Gaza Strip.Its members are gathering a healthy vision for our slogan , "Health Service is a right to whoever needs it". UHWC is achieving community health empowerment and promoting the comprehensive healthcare concept through capacity development; primary; and tertiary healthcare; culture and health, and community health communication and advocacy programs.

Overview of MSF :

MSF is a civil society initiative that brings together individuals committed to the assistance of other human beings in crisis. As such MSF is by choice an association.Each individual working with MSF does it out of conviction and is ready to uphold the values and principles of MSF.

The staff will be  employed by Union of health work commitees (UHWC) and is assigned to MSF Limb reconstructive surgery project in Al Awda hospital according the partnership between UHWC and MSF.

Position in the Organization

Reports to (Hierarchical): Anaesthetist Doctor / Medical Activity Manager

Reports to (Functional): Anaesthetist Doctor / Medical Activity Manager

Job Family: Medical and Paramedical

Supervises (Function): NA

Main Purpose

Assisting the doctor anaesthetist with all anaesthetic medical activities(pre-anaesthesia evaluation, administration of anaesthesia, recovery period, specific pharmacy, equipment, general organization, etc.) according to MSF policies, protocols and universal hygiene standards, in order to ensure the quality of pre, during and post-operative care of patients.


  • Assisting the doctor in the consultations to patients due for surgery: evaluating the risks of operating (in collaboration with the surgeon),  obtaining patient’s written authorization for their operation, providing patients with appropriate information on their illness and treatments, and deciding on what type of anaesthetics to be used in order to collaborate in setting everything up before surgery
  • According to set procedures, carrying out all nursing anaesthetics related activities during surgery in order to collaborate in patient's adequate anaesthetized state and safety during the process. Preparing the drugs, material, and equipment required for the surgery. Monitoring patients throughout the whole intervention and administering and maintaining anaesthetics following the rules of hygiene and asepsis in force.
  • Assisting the doctor in providing post-operative care, including immediate post-operative surveillance in the recovery room and special patients present in the intensive care unit, in order to adapt the prescriptions during the stabilization and recovery process. Performing consultation rounds with the Surgeon Doctor once or twice a day, discussing therapeutic orientations with the department manager, renewing prescriptions and ensuring they are followed and systematically evaluating patients' pain to adapt prescriptions and/or therapies for their relief. 
  • Respects, promotes and ensures medical confidentiality.
  • Perform cleaning and minor maintenance for biomedical equipment used. Follow user manual and protocols and alert supervisor in case of malfunctioning of any device.
  • Implements and follows hygiene rules, procedures and protocols at all times as well as look after the integrity of anaesthesia material (decontamination, sterilisation, storage conditions, etc.)  in order to ensure the safety and protection of patients and other staff. Knows accidental blood exposure policy and procedure and implements them when necessary.   
  • Carries out all pharmacy related activities (stock control, station's re-stocking, inventories, expired drugs, etc.) and other equipment of anaesthetic ward, doing special follow-up of narcotics and sedatives (register, consumptions, empty phials, etc.), ensuring enough stock-up and the good functioning to carry-out the medical activities. Draws up pharmacy orders according to needs. 
  • Collaborates with other departments and supports other medical services in order to support the overall MSF project with his/her expertise and capabilities. Trains other medical staff when applicable and works particularly in close collaboration with the accident and emergency department and the midwifery and obstetrics team in the maternity department (especially to resuscitate new-borns).
  • Carries out administrative procedures and documents (fill in of patients files, forms, statistics, data base, etc.), in order to have updated and correct information about the day-to-day activities. 
  • In collaboration with the Surgeon Doctor, carries out quantitative surgical-anaesthesia data collection, draws up and sends out reports for the monthly follow up of peri-surgical mortality and for the quality of anaesthesia/pain management and informs the direct supervisor immediately in the event of medical error.

MSF Section/Context Specific Accountabilities

  • Complies with personal protective equipment (PPE) use including covering during exposure to X-rays, correctly wearing a mask in the operating theatre, and hand hygiene.
  • Professional Development/ongoing learning -participates in training by the local and/or ex-patriate doctors and other anaesthetic technicians.
  • Technical Skills – perform skills related to anaesthesia including but not limited to airway management (jaw thrust, bag mask ventilation, laryngeal mask and endotracheal tube placement, intravenous line insertion, neuraxial techniques (spinal), and monitoring patients under general anaesthesia. Note: training can be provided if required/requested.

Responsibilities towards MSF

Commitment to MSF

Availability for emergencies

General knowledge of MSF

  • Has a general understanding of the association, its functioning, structure and values (charter).
  • Is aware of MSF objectives and activities in general and in the working context.
  • Participates actively in meetings and trainings.



Cooperation with other departments

  • Is aware of activities of other departments and respect specific rules and procedures.

Information source

  • Interprets conversation when necessary.

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.

متطلبات الوظيفة


  • Education  

Diploma/certificate as anaesthesia technician

  • Experience

Essential 1 year of previous supervised work experience as anaesthesia technician

Min. 1 year experience in orthopedics/plastics or pediatrics is desirable

  • Languages

English required.

تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي فني تخدير
آخر موعد للتقديم 27 - Jan - 2022
المكان قطاع غزة
نوع الوظيفة دوام كامل
المستوى المهني مبتدىء
الراتب N/A
الدرجة العلمية البكالوريوس
الخبرة سنة
آلية التقديم


تقديم طلبات التوظيف إلكترونياً عبر الرابط forms.gle/d5DjsAzgxg2jwYUx8

تقديم الطلبات ابتداءً من الأربعاء19/01/2022 حتى نهاية يوم الخميس الموافق 27/01/2022.

لمن تنطبق عليه الشروط، سيكون مطالب بإحضار الثبوتية التالية: سيرة ذاتية- صورة الهوية – شهادة جامعية في التخصص- كشف الدرجات –شهادات الخبرة – شهادة الثانوية العامة – صور شخصية (أصل وصورة لكل الأوراق).

دائرة الموارد البشرية

عند التقدم لاية وظيفة عن طريق الانترنت، لا تقم بإعطاء معلومات بطاقة الأعتماد او أية معلومات بنكية / مالية لصاحب عمل. نصيحة من جوبس لحمايتك :