Building- up Referral IT System

الوصف الوظيفي

External support for digitizing the referral network system, by building new software – web based system that has the required functionalities.
September, 2017 – November, 2017


Handicap International

HI is an independent international solidarity organization which works in situations of poverty or exclusion, conflict and natural disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations, the association takes action and speaks out in order to meet their essential needs and improve their living conditions. Since its creation, this international solidarity organization has set up development programs in over 60 countries and works in various emergency contexts.

HI in Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT):

Since 1996, Handicap International has implemented various actions with local partners in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In a territory beset by chronic crises, political instability, and a declining economic and social situation since the second intifada in 2000, Handicap International aims to respond to the needs of persons with disabilities and to make structural improvements to their lives.
HI in Middle East including OPT, is pursuing its 2015 – 2019 strategy aiming to promote access to inclusive and adapted services for people with disabilities and vulnerable groups, with a particular focus on youth and women, through a deep involvement of duty bearers, users and service providers’ representatives.

HI strategy lays on 3 main pillars: (1) promoting the inclusion of the most vulnerable, with a particular focus on people with disabilities, within the humanitarian response; (2) preventing impairment and disability by enhancing both the quality and the systemic management of existing services as well as by informing populations about Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) risks; and (3) promoting cohesion, resilience and participation of all through dialogue, empowerment, disability mainstreaming in service delivery and social change.

Project Background:

Since 2010, HI and its partners in West Bank have focused their action on improving the quality of services for people with disabilities by strengthening technical capacities of the rehabilitation workers, and by ensuring improved access to assistive devices. Handicap International also worked to improve access to accessible transportation options and information about existing rehabilitation services.
The proposed action builds on the AC3 project and also includes several new components: the support to existing Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)  programs in the West Bank; the focus on local multi-stakeholder collaboration bringing together local authorities, Disabled People Organizations (DPOs), service providers and other community organizations; and the strengthening of linkages with mainstream service providers, others than rehabilitation, through referral networks; all complemented by pilot initiatives in targeted local areas to improve people with disabilities’ access to socio-economic services.

The required external support falls under the on-going project intervention under the EU/NSA funds- : Fostering multi-stakeholders mobilisation for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in their community in marginalized areas of oPt- and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Luxemburg funded Project AC4 - Multi-stakeholder initiative towards a more effective response to persons with disabilities needs and demands- w- NSA/AC4 which requires enhancement of referral mechanisms and referrals in general of people with disabilities to rehabilitation services on national level and to socio-economic services on local level.


The required support aims at digitizing the referral network system; by creating a web-based referral software to be installed; linking service providers local referral networks

The required digitized system should have the following – but not limited -features, which will be finalized / agreed with the selected service provider:

-    A directory of services for local level referral networks in two different localities; Dura, Althahriyah.
-    Electronic referral forms to be filled in and to be fed into the system; with a print-out option.
-    Outgoing referral registry for each service provider in the network.
-    Incoming referral registry for each service provider in the network.
-    A feedback loop (back-referrals registry).
-    Electronic and automatic Monitoring and Evaluation reports, that correspond with the indicators identified and data collected.
-    A platform of communication between the participating service providers, for the national and local networks.
-    Full reporting system to provide decision makers with the required information as needed.

System technical requirements:

Design new software (website) for Better Referral Network (RN) interaction:

-    The overall design of the RN website must reflect the modern standards of web design and styling, including but not limited to semi-flat designs, hamburger menus, and loading animations.
-    The new design must be responsive, so it can be smoothly browsed across different web/mobile browsers.
-    The IT Consultant will create a control panel through which authorized users will have complete control over the website components and content. Authorized users must have the ability to add/delete new pages to/from the website, or update current pages.
-    Upon completion of work, the contracted IT Consultant will provide to Handicap International all code, passwords and other work product.
-    The content and structure of the website will be the sole property of Handicap International during the project period. However, training of coordination bodies on national and local levels should guarantee a smooth transformation process to get the website under their control.
-    The contracted IT Consultant will be required to complete 10 days/monthly of updates and maintenance over a period of 3 Months after publishing the Referral Network website final version.
-    The contracted IT Consultant will be required to train the referral focal points in targeted organizations on use of referral system on local level. Approximately:
-     15 organizations in each locality (2 localities) at local level.
-    The IT consultant will be required to connect the built IT system with the CBR program server in the south, and to work collaboratively with the IT CBR reference.


The assignment starts in 20th of September 2017 and finishes in 30th of November 2017, for a total duration of 2 months and a half.
Location will be as following:

(a)    Dura, Al Thahriyah


a)    A visualized design of the referral system structure
b)    Final referral system website installed in the organizations premises targeted.
c)    Complete user’s guideline delivered and accessible.
d)    training reports
e)    final reports.        

-    The developed IT system and the referral software installed shall be in the Arabic language, including data based, websites, user’s guidelines and others.
-    All reports and training materials have to be submitted to HI in English language by the contracted service providers.


-    Communication and decisions between HI and the contracted service providers will be through ILD Project Manager & the West Bank Field Coordinator.
-    Technical field visits and training plans are coordinated with, ILD Project Technical Officer & ILD Project Manager
-    Referral forms, operational modules, updated directory of services and contact lists of organizations will be provided for the service provider through the ILD Technical Officer.  


Applicants are requested to provide a proposal including price quotation and timetable for the services requested fitting with the below criteria:

-    All proposals including price quote shall be in English and in ILS currency.
-    Price quote shall be inclusive of VAT, signed and stamped.
-    Delivery timeframe & payment terms shall be clear and mentioned in the quote fitting with the start/end dates requested by Handicap International.
-    The advertisement fees for this assignment shall be included in the final selected trainer’s fees.

The budget offer will be object for the evaluation.


-    University degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related specialization.
-    Good understanding of front-end technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery.
-    Experience in designing and developing responsive design websites.
-    Strong understanding of the entire web development process, including design, development, and deployment.
-    Strong understanding of PHP/ASPX back-end development.
-    Expert in dealing with SQL/MYSQL databases.
-    Ability to convert comprehensive layouts and wireframes into working HTML pages.
-    Ability to receive feedback, commenting and to revise designs accordingly.
-    Knowledge of how to interact with RESTful APIs and formats (JSON, XML)
-    Strong English and Arabic language skills, written and spoken
-    Ability to meet strict deadlines
-    Excellent ability to work under pressure and meet prescribed deadlines.


-    Narrative and Financial Proposal according to the terms of reference specifications
-    Organization Profile including evidence of recent projects
-    Curriculum Vitae of professionals to be involved in the service provision with character reference
-    Copies of at least 1 report on latest consultancies done in similar project
-    record or feedback from previous clients is preferable

The applicants are requested to submit the above mentioned documents in PDF format by e-mail to

[email protected]

(Subject: ILD – Building- up Referral IT System) by the 19 of Sep, 2017. 

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متطلبات الوظيفة
تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي Building- up Referral IT System
آخر موعد للتقديم 19 - Sep - 2017
المكان الخليل
نوع الوظيفة العقود والاستشارات
المستوى المهني متوسط الخبرة
الدرجة العلمية البكالوريوس
الخبرة بدون خبرة
آلية التقديم
عند التقدم لاية وظيفة عن طريق الانترنت، لا تقم بإعطاء معلومات بطاقة الأعتماد او أية معلومات بنكية / مالية لصاحب عمل. نصيحة من جوبس لحمايتك :