Handicap International
“Advancing the rights of vulnerable and marginalized persons with disabilities in the West Bank through all inclusive advocacy led by the disability movement”
Occupied Palestinian Territories /West Bank
Deadline for submission is September, 25th 2014
Handicap International
Handicap International (HI) is an independent international solidarity organization which works in situations of poverty or exclusion, conflict and natural disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations, the association takes action and speaks out in order to meet their essential needs and improve their living conditions. Handicap International is committed to campaigning to ensure their dignity is preserved and their fundamental rights upheld. Disability rights are important area of advocacy at the heart of our activities. Our organization took an active part in the drafting of the International Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, alongside the States and other members of civil society.
Project Background:
Handicap International in partnership with Stars of Hope society are implementing a project funded by the European Commission “European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights”. The overall project objective is “National and local decision makers in the West Bank implement the national disability law and inclusive community development addressing the rights of all Persons with Disabilities. While the specific objective is” Disabled peoples' organizations (DPOs) and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) at national and local level in the West Bank are engaged in advocacy activities for the rights of vulnerable persons with disabilities and those living in marginalized areas, fostering a cross-disability approach”.
The project is implemented to support the participation and representation of persons with disabilities and their organizations in five governorates in West bank (Hebron, Nablus, Qalqilia, Jenin and Tulkarem). The action will increase the capacities of the disability movement in West Bank to integrate the interests of DPOs and SHGs at national and grass root level and advance the equal representation.
In addition, the project focus on increasing the participation of most vulnerable and marginalized persons with disabilities, promotes awareness raising on disability rights and mechanisms of self-representation in particularly vulnerable and marginalized groups. The last part of the activity focus on promotion of inclusive representation and advocacy practices in local and national DPOs/SHGs through grants for advocacy initiatives to be implemented by DPOs/SHGs.
The Grants objectives:
-Increase the DPOs and SHGs capacities in understanding and determining their priority areas for an advocacy or awareness initiatives.
-Support DPOs and SHGs to improve their capacities and implement advocacy or awareness initiatives.
Who Can Apply?
-Legally registered non-governmental Disabled People Organizations in: Nablus, Jenin, Qalqilia, Tulkarem, and Hebron);
-Non registered groups of People with Disabilities/ or parents of people with disabilities (in the five targeted areas);
In this case of non-registered group, they should have the following:
-Two nominated members of the group (leader and financial follow up person) to open one joined bank account, or sub-contracting fiscal sponsor.
-Identify a meeting place and the location of their activities implementation.
Priority Areas to be supported
The support (Jointly initiatives DPOs & SHGs are encouraged) will target five fields:
1-Campaigning for acknowledgement of rights of persons with disability.
2-Awareness raising amongst persons with disabilities and within their community.
3-Advocating for improvement of accessibility for PwDs to services and needs focusing on vulnerable and marginalized PwDs.
4-Improvement of access to social services (Health care, education, social protection, employment services).
5-Advocating for access to support services ( assistive devices, personal assistant, support teachers for accessing education in regular schools, sign language interpreters, braille language, home adaptations).
We do not fund
-Organizations that work for persons with disabilities but do not have persons with disabilities well-represented at governance, management, and staff levels: 51% of the board are PwDs.
-Income-generation or service-provision.
-Individuals and scholarships.
-Travel to conferences outside the target country.
-Public schools and universities.
-Governmental entities.
Grants description: Local grants
-Eligible for DPOs or self-help groups of persons with disabilities.
-All proposed initiatives are to be implemented at local level (Only initiatives proposed at local level will be considered).
-Grants selected are to be implemented within two months starting from the day of signing the agreement.
-Grant amounts will range from NIS 6000 – NIS 10000 (Six thousand to Ten thousand NIS).
-Groups of women with disabilities are encouraged to apply for a proposal.
-Joined initiative between two DPOs or groups of persons with disabilities will be given the priority and considering the matching of proposed topics to needs and context.
Application Procedures & guidelines
1-Download the online grants application form and all the related documents:
-Application form
-Initiative guideline
-Annex 1: Activity action plan
-Annex 2: Budget breakdown
-Annex 3: Fiscal sponsor agreement
-Annex 4: Self Help Group information sheet
2-All parts of the Grant Application and annexes must be completed and submitted together.
3-It is possible to attach additional documents that may support your proposed initiative.
4-Submission of English translation for the Initiative summary should be as an annex. (should not exceed 2 pages).
5-The names of the organization/ group, application title and all attachments have to be clearly stated in the application form.
6-Send the grant proposals to; Click the box send, and make sure to receive a confirmation message.
7-Regarding the unregistered self-help group; please submit all the documents related to fiscal sponsor (in case of sub-contracting fiscal sponsor), and clear information about your joint bank account, with the grant application form.
8-The deadline for sending the application and grants proposal is September,.25th 2014.
For any additional information please contact:
Mr. Mahmoud Breighith
Project Manager
Palestine Mission – West Bank
Handicap International
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.