Consultancy:Consultant for Organisational Assessment and Pla

الوصف الوظيفي

Terms of Reference

Consultant for Organisational Assessment and Plan of Interventions for Organisational Strengthening and Development

The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation is in the process of developing a new organisational assessment approach to use together with its partner organisations (POs). Currently, Kvinna till Kvinna has 9 partner organisations in Palestine.

About Kvinna till Kvinna
The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation is a Swedish grant-making organisation that supports more than 130 partner organisations that work towards empower women, build womens leadership and organising, and address violence against women in the Western Balkans, South Caucasus, the Middle East and DRC and Liberia in Africa through financial support and capacity development. The approach, as for all of Kvinna till Kvinnas work, has been on strong local ownership, long-term financial support, networking and organisational development through dialogue and capacity development for partner organisations. We began working in Palestine and Israel in 2002 and today we provide support to 16 organisations. Our headquarters are in Stockholm and our local office in Jerusalem.

The organisational assessment approach
The overall purpose of the organisational assessment approach is to support Kvinna till Kvinnas partner organisations to become what they want to become. The purpose is also to support Kvinna till Kvinna to become more relevant to its partner organisations when comes to supporting them with organisational strengthening and development. Our aim is to tailor Kvinna till Kvinna's support to our partner organisations to their specific/relevant capacity gaps and needs.

The approach builds on local ownership and includes a self-assessment of organisational capacity that will create a baseline for the organisations to develop their own capacity. The assessments will result in corresponding action plans endorsed by the management of the organisations and together with Kvinna till Kvinna the organisations will have a dialogue on how to address any shortcomings with additional capacity development (or other) support as well as to look into how identified strengths can be shared through a peer-to-peer support between and among organisations.

To implement this approach we are currently developing the required tools which include:
1-An assessment tool for partners to do self-assessments of their organisational capacity
2-A workshop outline to facilitate such a self-assessment with external support and develop capacity building action plans based on the findings of the assessments.

Objectives of the Assessment Tool
-Serve as a basis for a dialogue about the organisational partnership between Kvinna till Kvinna and the respective PO.
-Tailor Kvinna till Kvinna's support to our partner organisations to their specific/relevant capacity gaps and needs.
-Obtain a quantitative scoring of the organisation in a set of dimensions related to organisational development and strengthening. The scoring of the first time assessment will be a baseline. Follow up assessments will then serve to measure change in these dimensions, compared to the baseline, and hence the potential result of the interventions carried out on the basis of the respective assessment.
-Serve as a basis for a plan of interventions for organisational development and strengthening and thereby support Kvinna till Kvinna to be more systematic in its work when supporting organisations with organisational strengthening and development.
- Be able to map similarities and differences between different POs strengths and weaknesses and subsequently identify opportunities for peer-to-peer mentoring.

The assignment of the consultancy

The assignment consists of support to Kvinna till Kvinna to implement the following in partnership with our 9 POs:
-Support the methods advisor at the Kvinna till Kvinna Headquarters in completing the testing/piloting of the self-assessment tool with one PO in Palestine.
-Support the methods advisor to finalise the tool and its application process/procedures.
-Independently lead and facilitate additional assessments with the remaining 8 POs (as a maximum, exact number to be decided).
-Support 9 POs in analysing the findings of their assessments (inclusive of other assessments).
-Develop and finalise an action plan of interventions for organisational strengthening and development based on the findings of the assessments for each of the 9 POs in collaboration with the respective POs and Kvinna till Kvinna

Integral part of the assignment is the following:

Document review
Because most of Kvinna till Kvinnas POs have prior experience of conducting organisational assessment, this should be considered in the process of the assessment. Existing assessments and related documents should be review in two ways:
1-Findings of previous assessments and related documents should be collected and reviewed to support the scoring.
2-Existing project documents should be reviewed to assess alignment between vision and activities (reality) in addition to self-assessment scoring (this could also be based on interviews with staff and/or an exercise with staff reviewing their own documents).
Workshops for self-assessment and development of plans of interventions
Co-preparation and co-facilitation of the pilot self-assessment workshop with staff of one PO and then lead the preparation and the facilitation of the rest of the (up to) 8 workshops including preparation of materials in Arabic, and facilitating sessions during the actual workshops.

-Finalised process for organisational assessments of 9 POs; tool developed, 1 pilot conducted and (up to) 8 self-assessment workshops have been conducted.
-Completed action plan of interventions for 9 POs organisational strengthening and development.
-Follow up with 9 POs during the assignment period.

The estimated duration of the consultancy is the maximum of 55 days. We estimate 6 days per organisation including preparation, workshop, analysing the findings, support in developing action plan and follow up, total of 54 days (6 days per organisation). In addition, the consultant shall deliver a short consultancy report to Kvinna till Kvinna on the implementation of the consultancy (one day).
The consultant will be working closely with the Kvinna till Kvinna team in Jerusalem. For the pilot, much of the tasks will be shared between the consultant and the methods advisor based in Stockholm with the latter responsible for leading the work. For the remaining self-assessments and action plans, the consultant is responsible for completing and delivering the above specified deliverables to the team in Jerusalem.
Required qualifications
-In depth know-how and understanding of organisational assessments, development and strengthening.
-Good understanding of womens rights, civil society and development programming.
-Fluency in Arabic and English, both written and spoken.
-Strong facilitation skills and the ability to lead a group through a set process.
-Experience of planning and conducting workshops.
-Experience in developing methods and writing publications.
-Educational requirement: University degree or equivalent of relevance for the assignment.

The work plan for the implementation of the consultancy in year 2015 will be developed in partnership with Kvinna till Kvinna and its partner organisations. The deadline for submitting applications is 4 March 2015. Please submit a cover letter along with curriculum vitae, documentation of credentials/qualifications, list of references (3), and a financial offer. All material shall be submitted in English to

[email protected]

Only applicants invited for an interview will be contacted. For more information, please contact Magnea Marinosdottir, Field Representative via Nisreen Khoury per e-mail address
above or by calling +972026261020

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المسمى الوظيفي Consultancy:Consultant for Organisational Assessment and Pla
آخر موعد للتقديم 04 - Mar - 2015
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