الوصف الوظيفي

CARE - Middle East & North Africa Regional Management Unit
MENA GBV Prevention and Response Advocacy Strategy
Terms of Reference (ToR)


Assignment Title:

MENA GBV Prevention and Response Advocacy Strategy
Expected Level of Effort:30 days
Planned Start Date : 17 October 2016
Planned End Date: 24 December 2016
Budget:(daily fee only)


CARE is a leading international non-governmental organization fighting global poverty through humanitarian relief and long-term development initiatives.  We are non-political and non-sectarian, and operate in more than 70 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, reaching almost 60 million people in poor communities. Our focus in the Middle East and North Africa  (MENA) region is to promote women’s economic empowerment, freedom from violence and respond to humanitarian crisis. CARE’s mission in MENA is:  “By 2020, CARE will have significantly contributed to promoting women’s empowerment and supported people affected by humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and North Africa region.”  The CARE MENA Regional Social & Gender Justice Framework 2015-2030 identifies GBV as one of its three main priorities to address. CARE is committed to addressing this injustice not only through its on-the-ground work with communities but through working with a range of partners to contribute to the movement for changing relevant laws and policies.

The CARE MENA Regional Management Unit (RMU) requires the services of a consultant to lead the development of an Advocacy Strategy for preventing and responding to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in select MENA countries. The scope of this Strategy will include the following countries where CARE currently works: Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Caucasus, Lebanon and Turkey. The purpose of this assignment is to develop an actionable advocacy strategy that clarifies the specific advocacy goals for each country, the targets to influence to affect these changes, the stakeholders and partners to work with and CARE’s niche and added value in the process in order to decide what role it can best play. In addition to establishing these priorities per individual country, the strategy is also expected to articulate what joint collaborative actions are required at a regional level to catalyse these changes within the respective countries.

This Advocacy Strategy will form a critical part of CARE’s MENA Impact Growth Strategy for addressing GBV. It should build on CARE and its partners’ track record in the region, assess what can be enhanced or done differently for greater effectiveness and set clear milestones. This strategy is expected to enable CARE MENA to move decisively and quickly with clarity of purpose based on the foundation already established by the respective country offices involved.

Approach and Expected Deliverable

This assignment will be conducted in a highly participatory manner to leverage the knowledge and experience of CARE staff especially in country offices (COs) and also in the Regional Management Unit and CARE Member Partners as well as current and potential new partner organisations. It will not require direct policy analysis but will require synthesizing the already available policy analysis based on CARE’s own research and that of others available.


The process of developing the strategy will ensure the highest quality assurance standard in line with the CARE International Advocacy Manual.


The consultant will review previous documentation, interview CARE and external stakeholders and prepare a 20-page Strategy document (plus annexes) highlighting the following:

-Background and purpose
-Description of the Problem (in the laws and policies impacting GBV)
-Assessment of recent and ongoing efforts for change (of CARE and other leading actors highlighting progress to date)
-What needs to change (in specific laws and policies)
-Who can make the change (the targets)
-Whom to partner with
-Main opportunities and potential future events/campaigns (where CRE would add value)
-Potential Messages
-Evidence generation required to support potential messages
-Illustrative guide to a three year advocacy plan

The consultant is expected to not only synthesise the available information but also to proactively provide expert advice in the form of recommendations for prioritization, partnerships and activities to CARE.


Specific Tasks:

The total consultancy time is estimated at approximately 30 days for a high quality advocacy strategy. It is expected to involve the following tasks:

-Initial consultations (remotely via Skype) with CARE focal points in each CO, the RMU and CI/CMPs to clarify expectations, agree requirements of specific and timely inputs from COs and gather existing documentation about CARE’s advocacy initiatives in GBV in MENA.
-Propose a draft format (i.e. structure of the document with section headings) for the final deliverable (the Regional GBV Advocacy Strategy) and detailed methodology (process to develop the strategy) and incorporate CARE’s feedback to agree final version.
-Desk review of the laws and policies affecting specific forms of GBV in the select countries and the effectiveness of efforts to address them.
-Mapping of potential partners based on desk research and stakeholder interviews with a consistent number of civil society actors and government officials in each country and regional inter-governmental bodies and regional platforms/networks.
-Draft Regional Advocacy Strategy (Version 1) written and presented to CARE for feedback
-Lead (design and facilitate) a 3-day face-to-face workshop convening CARE staff and partners to review, validate and refine the draft advocacy strategy by particularly deciding on prioritization for focus and potential tactics. The final workshop agenda and detailed session plan must be agree with CARE at least 2 days in advance of the workshop and any preparatory tasks for the workshop must be assigned to the participants at least 3 weeks before the workshop. (Indicative Timeframe: 20-30 Nov)
-Based on the inputs and decisions reached in the workshop, refine the Draft Regional Advocacy Strategy (Version 2) and submit to CARE for feedback.
-Make necessary changes to the Version 2 and submit the Final Regional GBV Advocacy Strategy to CARE. (By 24 December)


 Budget and Terms of payment

CARE will pay a daily fee rate to be negotiated with the successful applicant and cover travel, visa, per diem and accommodation costs for the workshop in line with CARE policy.

The budget to be submitted by applicants as part of their Offer should only include the daily fee, number of days and total cost of the fee.

Payment will be upon successful completion of the final deliverables and submission of a complete invoice.


The consultant will report to:

Ayesha Salma Kariapper, Director – Regional Impact and Change Management, CARE MENA RMU.

E-mail: [email protected];

Additionally, the consultant will be expected to work closely with other senior programme and communications/advocacy staff of CARE country offices and CMPs/CI Secretariat.

Skills and Experience Requirements

Essential skills and experience:


-Proven track record of achieving results through advocacy for GBV response and prevention at a country or regional level in MENA
-Demonstrable experience of building partnerships for advocacy
-Extensive and contemporary knowledge of the key organisations and individuals involved in leading the movements for GBV advocacy in the MENA region, and especially in Egypt, Jordan or Yemen.
-Strong research and analysis skills;
-Track record of producing high quality reports of complex information in accessible formats.
-Good facilitation skills for convening outcome-oriented discussions among small groups.
-At least a degree level qualification and academic training in gender frameworks and gender analysis.
-Excellent written and spoken English
-Experience of working in the international development sector
-Technical and applied knowledge of GBV prevention and response interventions.

Desirable skills and experience:

- Fluent written and spoken Arabic
- Knowledge of and experience working in the Middle East and North Africa region or Caucasus.

Application Process

Interested applicants are invited to submit their offers to CARE by 22:00 GMT on 10 October, 2016 at the following email addresses:

[email protected]

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.

متطلبات الوظيفة
تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي Consultant for MENA GBV Advocacy Strategy
آخر موعد للتقديم 10 - Oct - 2016
المكان رام الله والبيرة
نوع الوظيفة العقود والاستشارات
المستوى المهني إدارة
الدرجة العلمية البكالوريوس
الخبرة بدون خبرة
آلية التقديم
عند التقدم لاية وظيفة عن طريق الانترنت، لا تقم بإعطاء معلومات بطاقة الأعتماد او أية معلومات بنكية / مالية لصاحب عمل. نصيحة من جوبس لحمايتك :