Consultant for referral mechanism development 

الوصف الوظيفي


Consultant for referral mechanism development 

 Contracting Agency: El Amal Rehabilitation Society -Rafah. (ERS-R)

Duration of Contract: 2 months between October and January 2021

Place: ERS-R premises 

The proposal should be submitted in sealed and stamped and  electronic format  by October 6th  , 2021 to no later than 12:00 p.m  [email protected]


El Amal Rehabilitation Society – Rafah (ERS-R) is a civil non-profit organization established in 1991 with Ministry of Interior registration number 5058. Our society is NGO leader working with distinction in the field of rehabilitation , development, education, health, culture, training in order to ensure a better life for marginalized groups, especially the deaf and enhance their capabilities based on qualified professional that use better techniques to build a generation capable of contributing to the building society , it also aspire to distinctive and active participation in building a civil society in which deaf people enjoy full rights in the Palestinian society . 

El Amal in partnership with (TDH) Terre des hommes will start a project entitled    " Gender equality in education - School related gender base violence ", Regarding AGENCY: action for Gender Equality, Non-Discrimination, Civil Society Strengthening and Youth Empowerment. The project will contribute to Promote positive social and gender norms to prevent and mitigate SRGBV amongst schoolchildren with focus on children and youth with disabilities in Rafah and KhanYounis governorates.

Objectives of the Assignment: 

This assignment aims at achieving effective participation of children, teachers, families and communities in development of safe, child-friendly schools by establishing rights-sensitive approaches to discipline in Rafah Governorate. 

This assignment is limited to activities ought to be accomplished during the first year of the project. The hired consultant is expected to build and consider the following points and key aspects while design the framework and methodology of work. 

Set up MANUAL reporting and referral mechanisms breaches of code of conduct, including School related gender base violence (SRGBV).For those

who are interested, kindly download the following: TERMS OF REFERENCE 

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.

متطلبات الوظيفة

Qualifications and Experience

The Local expert (candidate)  with the following experience is welcome to apply: 

  1. Advanced University degree in low , or alternatively social sciences 
  2. Familiar with the policies of child protection and the rights of the Palestinian child.
  3. At least Five years of relevant work experience, preferable in the field of preparing policies and reviewing regulations.
  4.  Experience in the field of research and evaluation and in the field of gender and development.
  5. Confirmed experience in designing training contents, agenda, deliver accurate group presentations, manage group dynamics and enable groups to learn together based on their field experiences.
  6. Good background on disability.
  7. Previous work experience with local and international organizations.
  8. Strong communication and facilitation skills.
  9. Knowledge of context and cultural aspects.
  10. Excellent writing and oral communication skills in English .
تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي Consultant for referral mechanism development 
آخر موعد للتقديم 14 - Oct - 2021
المكان قطاع غزة
نوع الوظيفة العقود والاستشارات
المستوى المهني متوسط الخبرة
الراتب N/A
الدرجة العلمية الماجستير
الخبرة 5 سنوات
آلية التقديم

Submission of package: 

  1. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability.
  2. Personal CV (consultant and team ) , indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.
  3. A methodology on how the consultant will approach and complete the assignment. 
  4. Financial proposal. The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount with a clear break down costs in ILS currency. All applications must include, as an attachment, the CV and the financial proposal. 
  5. The proposal should be submitted in sealed and stamped and  electronic format  by October 14  , 2021 to no later than 12:00 p.m.    [email protected]


عند التقدم لاية وظيفة عن طريق الانترنت، لا تقم بإعطاء معلومات بطاقة الأعتماد او أية معلومات بنكية / مالية لصاحب عمل. نصيحة من جوبس لحمايتك :