الوصف الوظيفي

Ref: RAM/2019/ED/SE/221

Consultancy to conduct a study of the inclusion of entrepreneurial skills in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programmes in Palestine

Deadline for submission: 15 May 2019

Assignment finalization period: 22 May – 15 August 2019

Terms of reference

Countries in the Middle East and North African region are constantly undergoing change, in the face of significant and volatile political and socio-economic challenges. The countries labour market is characterised by a high unemployment rate, particularly among youth resulting in youth disengagement and frustration. While employment and employability, especially of young people, are a common priority of the countries in the region, at the same time, technological changes, globalization and demographic changes are adding to the economic turbulence and affecting labour markets as well as education and training systems.

To address this situation, governments and other stakeholders in the region (private sector actors, training providers, civil society, youth organizations, etc.) must find new ways to match the training offer with the needs of individuals as well as of the labour market, in order to promote employment and sustainable development.

Within this context some countries have initiated reforms in their TVET systems to better respond to the changing work environment and to cater to a broad set of skills beyond job-specific skills. In economies that are not able to generate adequate jobs for its young population, mainstreaming of entrepreneurial skills and inculcating a culture of innovation can be a critical alternative potential currently remains underexploited in the region. The extent to which entrepreneurial skills are embedded in TVET programmes differs in different countries.

Given the common ground in the challenges faced and the reforms undertaken, many countries in this region have expressed interest in exchanging experiences and learning from their peers in the TVET sector. Understanding and learning from existing practices would help guide countries in designing and implementing effective strategies in mainstreaming entrepreneurial learning throughout TVET policies, institution and programmes.

This document constitutes the terms of reference for a study to be conducted by a consultant to analyse the inclusion of entrepreneurship skills in TVET programmes in Palestine

This assignment constitutes an important component of an EU funded project called the Youth Employment in the Mediterranean (YEM), which aims at making TVET more responsive to the needs of the labour market and of young people in selected countries in the MENA region including Palestine.
Methodological Framework, Tasks and Deliverables

Methodological framework

The consultant will be required to define entrepreneurship skills in the context of YEM project in Palestine, while keeping in mind international trends and perspectives, and to study the extent of the inclusion of entrepreneurship skills into TVET programmes, either as part of TVET Curricula or as standalone entrepreneurship programmes. The consultant will be required to collect information on how TVET curricula are designed in terms of learning outcomes (programme content/ characteristics, qualifications, purpose of learning outcomes etc.) and the approach adopted to integrate entrepreneurial skills including: (i) inclusion in soft skills package; (ii) mainstreaming in teaching and learning processes; and (iii) organisation of extra-curricular activities.

The data collection will be based on desk research (documental and textual information made available by the countries concerned and UNESCO, and other relevant documents available online) and case studies to be conducted at national level.

The National  analysis will serve the following purposes:

  • Identify and discuss different ways through which entrepreneurial skills are mainstreamed in TVET policies and programmes;
  • Share country experiences and identify challenges faced in the integration process;
  • Examine changing roles of TVET teachers and implications on teacher training;
  • Compare country cases to analyse the level and coverage of entrepreneurship skills by the TVET programmes;
  • Provide an outline of national  guidelines for mainstreaming entrepreneurial skills in TVET programmes

The reference document(s) will be the training programmes/TVET curricula. Training programmes/TVET curricula refer to the standards and specifications that define the expected outcomes of the learning process leading to certification, as well as the content, learning objectives and timetable, and teaching methods and learning frameworks (such as business and school-based learning).

Assigned tasks

The consultant, in coordination with the UNESCO Ramallah Office Education team including relevant colleagues from UNESCO Beirut and HQ and the national stakeholders, will be responsible for producing an analytical summary report on the inclusion of entrepreneurship skills into TVET programmes in Palestine, as well as related policy recommendations and an outline of national  guidelines for mainstreaming entrepreneurial skills in TVET programmes. The assignment will also include the consultant’s participation and contribution to a regional workshop to be organised by UNESCO on ‘Mainstreaming entrepreneurship skills’ in July 2019, which will allow the presentation of preliminary conclusions of the study, following a discussion with national stakeholders. The outcomes of the workshop will contribute to the conclusions of the study and agreement regarding the scope and structure of the regional guidelines for mainstreaming entrepreneurial skills in TVET programmes.  

The main tasks of the consultant will include:

  • Conduct an analysis of  strategic documents

Based on national policy and strategic documents, the consultant will identify national priorities concerning entrepreneurship skills development and the steps being taken for their integration into vocational training programmes. This will also be an opportunity to understand the different approaches adopted in using learning outcomes from entrepreneurship skills training in Palestine

Prepare  Palestine case study

The consultant shall prepare national case study by collecting information and data regarding the mainstreaming of entrepreneurial skills in TVET programmes. The National case study will include interviews with key stakeholders and practioners. The consultant will work closely with regional team/consultant ensuing alignment with regional case study.  Analyse the data obtained and produce a draft summary report

The consultant will produce a national case study report that includes (i) an analysis of the political and strategic framework concerning the integration of entrepreneurship skills in TVET programmes in Palestine, (ii) an analysis of existing training programmes in this regard, and (iii) conclusions/ recommendations for further mainstreaming of entrepreneurship skills in training programmes in the country.

The national report should describe the analytical framework elaborated for the study provide relevant recommendations, and highlight the areas of regional cooperation (existing and potential).

  • Participate in the regional workshop and present the results of the stud

The consultant might be requested to participate in a regional workshop planned to be conducted in July 2019, present the draft synthesis report and the preliminary conclusions. This exercise will allow the consultant to help fill the gaps in available sources of information). UNESCO will directly cover the travel cost should consultant required to participate in the regional conference organized by UNESCO.

  • Produce a final national  report including an outline of national  guidelines based on the feedbacks on suggestions obtained on the regional workshop organized by UNESCO HQ. The report should be in the English language for 20 pages excluding annexes.

(1) National summary report in English at least 10 pages excluding annexes by June 25, 2019 (Draft version)
(2) National summary report in English at least 20 pages excluding annexes, by July 31, 2019  (Final version)

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.

متطلبات الوظيفة

Qualifications and experience of interested organization/party

It is mandatory for the interested consultant/organization and any team members have the following qualifications and experience:

  • Have a Master degree
  • Five years of experience in TVET Education
  • Excellent speaking and writing skills in both English and Arabic languages
  • Communication and management skills
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Punctuality and commitment to meet deadlines
تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي Consultant: Inclusion of entrepreneurial skills in TVET
آخر موعد للتقديم 15 - May - 2019
المكان رام الله والبيرة
نوع الوظيفة العقود والاستشارات
المستوى المهني متوسط الخبرة
الراتب N/A
الدرجة العلمية الماجستير
الخبرة 5 سنوات
آلية التقديم

By the deadline date of 15 May 2019, please submit ALL of the below documents via email to:

[email protected]  

Including the subject: ED: Palestine TVET - Inclusion of entrepreneurial skills

  1. Cover letter
  2. A proposal (2-3 pages) for the activity (including methodology, time-line and budget quoted in US dollars, according to the outputs/deliverables foreseen)
  3. CV’s of the consultant and any team members indicating prior experience with references of prior similar assignments.
  4. Statement confirming that the consultancy or consultant holds a valid bank account in the name indicated on the bid document.

Incomplete or missing information or documentation and evidence of experience as requested above, may exclude you from further consideration.

عند التقدم لاية وظيفة عن طريق الانترنت، لا تقم بإعطاء معلومات بطاقة الأعتماد او أية معلومات بنكية / مالية لصاحب عمل. نصيحة من جوبس لحمايتك :