الوصف الوظيفي

Consultant / Trainer

(Civic Inclusion & Participation in Local Development Planning)



QADER for Community Development (hereinafter QADER) is a Palestinian non-governmental, not-for-profit, and independent organization dedicated to promoting better well-being of persons with disabilities in Palestine. Since its founding in 2008, QADER has assumed its functional responsibility thereinafter addressing the disability issue from a human rights perspective, and demonstrated a rights’ based approach in tackling the various issues of persons with disabilities. Within the framework of its current vision, QADER aspires that "all persons with disabilities enjoy full citizenship and are able to participate in the building of a prosperous Palestinian society." Our mission is to "develop advanced social models that promote the inclusion and resilience of persons with disabilities within the Palestinian society and in accordance with national laws, as well as international standards and conventions." QADER’s leadership, decisions, policies, operations and human resources are governed by a range of values, including equality, social justice, professionalism, commitment, integrity (transparency, accountability) and participation.

QADER is expecting a grant from GIZ to implement a pilot initiative that is designed to advance local development planning in small communities. It draws substantial emphasis on the inclusion and participation of various social groups, especially the marginalized ones, in the entire planning process.

The project also fosters social accountability as integral approach in the entire planning process within a holistic perspective to increase civic engagement in exacting accountability toward public local authorities against their obligations towards their citizens. The project places emphasis on the role youth, both and females, as key driving forces for mobilizing participation and participation.

The project is implemented in 6 villages in Bethlehem * Hebron Governorates; namely:

  • Dar Salah, Bethlehem Governorate
  • Al Shawawra, Bethlehem Governorate
  • Mrah Rabah, Bethlehem Governorate
  • Abu Al Ghuzlan, Hebron Governorate
  • Beit El Roush El Foqa, Hebron Governorate
  • Khallet Al Mayya, Hebron Governorate

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.

متطلبات الوظيفة

Lot (1): Consultant

1.1. Objective of the Assignment

The objective of the assignment is to support the implementation of the project with the required technical expertise to deliver the planned results with quality and in timely manner, and specifically to enhance the participation and inclusion of local communities’ stakeholders, including vulnerable social groups, in local development planning.

1.2. Description of the assignment

  1. Conduct a review of the Annual Capital Investment Planning (ACIP) manual to identify and propose amendments that places more emphasis on civic participation and inclusion.
  2. Support the community mobilizer to carry out mapping of stakeholders in each of the targeted communities.
  3. Lead the preparation of situation assessment report in each of the 6 targeted communities. This shall include conducting at least 2 focus groups with vulnerable groups in each targeted community.
  4. Provide advice and support to the community mobilizer and the Youth Accountability Teams in the preparation / development and implementation of various media tools and activities, which will include:
    • Public awareness sessions on local development planning and social accountability ( 2 in each community)
    • Printing of street banners (4 banners in each community)
    • Use of different social media tools and platforms
    • Produce animation video on inclusion and participation in local development planning
  5. Provide facilitation and support to the village councils and the Youth Accountability Teams in the entire planning process
  6. Provide support to the development planning committee in each committee to conduct a public session for presenting the plan. This shall include the preparation of the content for a flyers representing the main outcomes and the inclusive approach that is adopted in this project. 

1.3. Deliverables:

  • Report on the proposed amendment to the ACIP Manual based on the review to draw more emphasis on civic participation and inclusion.
  • Situational Assessment Report for each targeted community. The report should provide in-depth information on the current status and needs of different social groups.
  • Final public session held in each targeted community for presenting the final development plan.

1.4. Timeframe:

October - December 2018

1.5. Level of Effort:

The consultant is expected to accomplish the tasks associated with the consultancy assignment (Lot 1) within the designated timeframe and for an estimated input of time/effort of up to 31 days for the whole assignment (8 working hours for each). Actual working days shall be recorded using a time sheet.

1.6. Essential Required Qualifications:

  • Higher studies in field related to local development planning and civic engagement and inclusion.
  • Proven experience in working with local authorities on local development planning, civic participation, social accountability.
  • Excellent facilitation skills
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills

Lot (2): Trainer

2.1. Objective of the Assignment

The objective of the assignment is enhance the capacities of Development Planning Committees and Youth Accountability Teams in the targeted communities with regards to local development planning, social accountability, civil participation and iclusion.

2.2. Training of Youth Accountability Team

The trainer should conduct 3 days training workshop for youth accountability teams. The trainer should deliver the training to 2 groups of youth (3 training days each) ;one in Bethlehem and one in Hebron. Each group will consist of 15 youth males and females.

The training should cover the following topics:

  • Local development planning for small communities using the ACIP approach.
  • Social Accountability
  • Civic participation & inclusion

The trainer should prepare detailed training program along with training handouts and presentations, and send to QADER for review and approval prior to the delivery of the training.

2.3. Training of Development Planning Teams

The trainer should conduct 1 day training workshop ( 6 hours) for the development planning team in each of the sic targeted communities. In total 6 training days should be conducted in the 6 locations.

The training should cover the following topics:

  • Civic participation an inclusion in local development planning
  • Social accountability

The trainer should prepare detailed training program along with training handouts and presentations, and send to QADER for review and approval prior to the delivery of the training.

2.4. Deliverables:

  • 3 days training workshop X 2 for youth accountability teams
  • Final training report for the 2 training workshops.
  • 1 day training workshop in each of the 6 targeted communities for the development planning teams
  • Final training report for the development planning teams’ trainings.

2.5. Timeframe:

4 weeks, starting as soon as possible.

2.6. Essential Required Qualifications:

  • Higher studies in field related to local development planning and civic engagement and inclusion.
  • Proven experience in designing and delivering trainings relevant to the topics described above.
  • Excellent facilitation skills
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي Consultant & Trainer
آخر موعد للتقديم 04 - Oct - 2018
المكان الخليل, بيت لحم
نوع الوظيفة العقود والاستشارات
المستوى المهني متوسط الخبرة
الراتب N/A
الدرجة العلمية دبلوم عالي
الخبرة 5 سنوات
آلية التقديم

How to Apply

Interested consultants / Trainers should submit their CVs together with a financial offer to: [email protected]

Offerors can submit their offers for Lot (1) or Lot(2) or both.

The financial offer should be prepared as per the forms on QADER's Website https://bit.ly/2Ooj8Jh 

Deadline for submission: Thursday, 4th of October 2018, 14:00.

عند التقدم لاية وظيفة عن طريق الانترنت، لا تقم بإعطاء معلومات بطاقة الأعتماد او أية معلومات بنكية / مالية لصاحب عمل. نصيحة من جوبس لحمايتك :