Consultant: training module for teachers/students in schools

الوصف الوظيفي

Title: Consultant to prepare, create and establish online GBV training module for the teachers and students in schools.
Project Name:
Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Contract Level: 
Individuals or Companies
Duration of task:
8 weeks
Deadline for the submission of the consultancy
: September 16th 2021

Background Information:

The Ministry of Education (MoE) defines violence as “any behaviour that leads to instilling harm to individuals, groups or property purposefully or out of neglect, be it in the form of verbal, physical, psychological, sexual, or electronically.” Moreover, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), violence is defined as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal development or deprivation.”[1]

The MoE has been closely monitoring the different types of violence school children are exposed to, and according to its 2017 report it was found that 42% of the school children are exposed to physical violence, 41% exposed to verbal abuse, 25.9% are neglected, and 8.1% are exposed to sexual violence. Through its programs, the MoE works to combat all forms of violence, particularly focusing on gender based violence, and activities and programs aiming to reinforce child protection as well teachers’ safety. In addition to that, it also works on the integration of concepts and skills into the school curricula to empower students with culture of dialogue, respect of opinion, and life skills.

Gender-Based Violence (GBV in Palestine)[2] is a key protection concern in Palestine. According to Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) 2019 Violence Survey, averages of 27.2% of women are victims of GBV in Palestine and 35% in the Gaza Strip. To say the least, women in Palestine face multiple layers of violence and discrimination.

The combination of decades of Israeli occupation and the prevailing patriarchal culture in Palestinian society configures a very high gender inequality, which limits within the domestic ambit the expected roles for women. The traditional social situation (not unique to Palestine in the region), is complemented here with the violence and aggression from long established military occupation which has caused a long economic depression, characterized by a lack of opportunities and the added pressures from a permanent humanitarian crisis.  It has contributed to a behavioural dynamic of men being more frustrated, unable to fulfil their expected role in this patriarchal society, as their opportunities to provide and protect (two main elements of masculinity in a traditional patriarchal society), have been very limited.  The existence of a wide social agreement to maintain traditional family systems as a way to reinforce needed unity and resilience in face of occupation have eroded the development of gender policies that otherwise would have long ago found its place in the Palestine Basic Law. 

With the support from the UNFPA, and in collaboration with MoE, Juzoor is responsible for implementing the work plan entitled: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment through Strengthening the Capacity of Health and Social Protection Actors to Promote Gender Equality, Reproductive Rights and to Effectively Address Gender-based Violence including in Humanitarian Settings.

A training manual targeting GBV was developed by the MoE and Juzoor has been updated. Our next step is to develop and online course based on the training manual that will be hosted by the MoE.

  1. Organizational Setting:

Under the overall supervision and guidance of the Juzoor Executive Director, and the Project Manager, Ms. Marina Zayed, the consultant is tasked with building the online GBV module based on the updated training manual – GBV training manual / MoE.

  1. Summary of key tasks:

 Support GBV at schools: developing GBV online training module.

  1. Prepare the content of the GBV online module based on the local and national training manuals prepared to address GBV in Palestine.
  2. Build an interactive training module according to the training manual prepared by Juzoor and MoE.
  3. The training manual is designed in 9 sessions and it includes training exercises, case studies, and worksheets which will be transferred to electronic version as well theoretical information.
  4. An official certificate issued by the end of the training module.
  5. Coordinate with the project’s stakeholder the final version of the online module
  6. Prepare and submit an inception report upon initiation of the consultancy mainly to describe the main purpose of the online module and the methodology that will be used to develop such module
  7. Pilot and pre-test the module for at least 3 months is required before the official endorsement by the Ministry of Education.
  8. Organisational Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity and promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of Juzoor.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

[1] WHO, Geneva 2002, “World report on violence and health”


جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.

متطلبات الوظيفة

Job skills required/Final product:

  • Web based Online Training course connected with a database 
  • User friendly interface (Mobile/Tablet/PC)
  • User registration / login
  • intro course - 8 modules
  • Progress to next module with a quiz (quiz randomized questions not in specific order for each login)
  • Save course progress
  • Once course completed, final screen has a PDF training document, Certificate to print/download/email 
  • Course design certificate to have a unique QR code 
  • Training course to have an Admin interface to change text easily, add/remove quiz questions, and/or add a new module
  • Web Course should be easily hosted on any site (ie. Ministry of Education or Juzoor) as a subdomain or subfolder with its accommodating database connection
  • 3 Month support for bugs/issues that might arise.
تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي Consultant: training module for teachers/students in schools
آخر موعد للتقديم 16 - Sep - 2021
المكان رام الله والبيرة, العمل عن بعد
نوع الوظيفة العقود والاستشارات
المستوى المهني متوسط الخبرة
الراتب N/A
الدرجة العلمية البكالوريوس
الخبرة 6 سنوات
آلية التقديم

شروط اخرى لمقدم العطاء:

  • الأسعار يجب أن لا تشمل ضريبة القيمة المضافة
  • امكانية اصدار فاتورة صفرية مع ارفاق نسخة عن شهادة تسجيل الشركة ورقم الملف الضريبي
  • عرض السعر فعال لفترة 90 يوما.
  • اخر موعد لاستلام عروض الأسعار يوم السبت الموافق 16.09.2021
  • لجنة فتح العطاء غير ملزمة بأقل الأسعار وبدون ابداء الأسباب.
  • العملة المستخدمة بالعطاء هي الدولار
  • يتم تقديم عرض السعر عبر الايميل او في مقر المؤسسة
  • تعبأ الأسعار بقلم الحبر الأزرق الجاف وفي حال الشطب يتم وضع الختم مع التوقيع
  • يجب ختم وتوقيع كافة صفحات العطاء بختم المورد الرسمي
  • سيتم الدفع بعد استلام جميع المواد المطلوبة بحسب المواصفات المتفق عليها
  • لمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء الاتصال بدائرة اللوازم والمشتريات على هاتف مؤسسة جذور على الرقم التالي: 2414488-02

معلومات مقدم عرض السعر

اسم الشركة او الشخص بالكامل: 

رقم المشتغل المرخص او رقم الهوية :

اسم المخول بالتوقيع :                                                                       رقم الهاتف / الخلوي


  الاسم التجاري:

صندوق بريد:

الشارع، المبنى،المدينة:      

الهاتف :                                                                                                     الفاكس :


البريد الإلكتروني:




Submission of consultancy offer
Please submit your technical and financial offer to [email protected]  with subject: GBV online module consultant or hand-in at Juzoor office in Ramallah.



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