الوصف الوظيفي


The Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) is requesting a grant from the World Bank, International Development Association (IDA) to increase equitable access to safe water and sanitation services and to improve service delivery. This objective is expected to be achieved over a 12-year period through a Series of Projects (SoP), of which the operation detailed in this document is the first. The programmatic approach will ensure continuity of the sector engagement and also facilitate a sustained contribution to the Bank’s ongoing support to the water sector in the West Bank and Gaza (WB&G). The proposed Program will have strong links to the water sector interventions co-financed by the World Bank and the Partnership for Infrastructure Development Multi-Donor Trust Fund (PID MDTF) that play a crucial role in addressing the challenges in the sector and critical water services in priority areas under the first project, while also laying the basis for rebuilding better in the long-term.

The Program is expected to consist of three projects that will overlap in time and vary in geography, with a consistent component-level design to facilitate scaling-up. The three projects are expected to commence in 2023, 2026 and 2028, respectively. The anticipated duration of the first project is five years while the duration of subsequent projects is expected to be six years each, with overlapping periods. Overall SoP completion is expected by 2035.

The focus of the proposed SoP-1 will be on improving water services in line with the PWA’s priorities and the water sector’s strategic development plan and desire to improve water services in areas with the lowest water per capita and improve service providers operational and financial performance. In order to address the long-term structural challenges of lack of water supply, and contribute to a resilient and sustainable recovery, the project will also undertake strategic sector reform and capacity building activities supporting water sector institutions, encouraging a robust reform agenda and providing targeted technical support for improved management of O&M toward financial sustainability of the sector and contribute to the improvement and containment of and bolster the water sector’s resilience to future disasters such as COVID-19.

Project Components: The Project will consist of four components:

Component 1 - Improvement of Water and Wastewater service management: the project will finance investments in the water and wastewater facilities. The aim of these investments is to provide safely managed water supply services to unserved population and ensure efficiency of the operation and maintenance of existing wastewater treatment plants. This component will finance the implementation of the water supply infrastructure required to improve access to and quality of water supply in North Jenin including expansion of water distribution networks to remove critical bottlenecks and improve water allocation in selected areas in WB&G and preparation of feasibility studies for the second Project.

Component 2 - Improve performance of Water Sector Service Providers: This component aims at strengthening the capacity of the water institutions and the SPs’ operational and financial efficiency, and their responsiveness emergencies. It will also provide necessary technical assistance and capacity building activities to address sector challenges and sector reform to accelerate the implementation of reform related to the clustering of service providers under the LGUs and establishment of RWUs. This subcomponent will also include interventions to enhance the PWA’s capacity to develop and implement water sector policies, strategies, and sector development plans and will support improved social accountability of service providers. The technical assistance will provide general planning and institution-building support to improve service providers performance in line with the PDO. In particular: (a) Sector Reform and Strategic Planning; (b) Improve Financial and Operational Performance of the Service Providers; (c) Improve Social Accountability of Service Providers.

Component 3 - Project Management and Monitoring: This component will support the Project Coordination Team (PCT) hosted within PWA and Project Implementation Unit (PIU) that will coordinate, implement, monitor and report on the project implementation progress.

Component 4 -  Contingent Emergency Response Component This component will improve the PA’s ability to respond effectively in the event of an emergency in line with World Bank procedures on disaster prevention and preparedness.

Environmental and Social Assessment of the Project

The Water Security and Resilience Program will be implemented in compliance with the World Bank new Environmental and Social Framework (World Bank ESF) that was approved in August 2016 and got effective in late 2018 (http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/837721522762050108/Environmental-and-Social-Framework.pdf), in addition to applicable Palestinian laws, policies and regulations governing environmental and social issues.

In order to fully comply with Palestinian Environmental Law and World Bank safeguard policies, as well as to support the sustainability of the expected project outputs and outcomes, the following documents will be developed by PWA, reviewed and cleared by the Bank, and published on the PWA website and the Bank system:

  1. Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)
  2. Resettlement Framework (RF)
  3. Labor Management Procedures (LMP), including details of workers’ Grievance Mechanism (GM)
  4. Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), including details of project GM
  5. Community Health and Safety Management Plan (CHSMP)
  6. Site-specific Environmental and Social Impact Assessments/Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESIAs/ESMPs)
  7. Site-specific Resettlement Plans (RPs)
  8. Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)

A brief description of the project’s potential (but not limited to) environmental risks and impacts and environmental risk mitigation instruments/measures, in relation to the relevant ESF Environmental Standards (ESSs), are summarized below:

ESS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts

Overview of application of ESS1:

Key environmental issues under ESS1 are related to occupational health and safety during the construction, and operation of wastewater treatment plants, other environmental risks including noise, dust, waste and hazardous waste generation, impact on the nature of land use, increase in the quantity of wastewater produced, impacts on road and traffic safety, and the yield of the agricultural wells in the area. . Improved water supply infrastructure to provide increased water services will have an impact on increased water extraction and thereby affect the groundwater levels and the safe yield of the groundwater aquifers; deterioration of water quality; drying up of wells resulting in increased pumping costs etc. The cumulative impact of increased water extraction across many wells being drilled under the water supply development projects should be assessed during the project preparation.

Environmental risks and impacts will be assessed, and requisite mitigation measures (commensurate to the severity of risk) will be included in the E&S instruments including the ESMF and site-specific ESIAs/ESMPs that will used during the design, construction and operational phases of the project.

An ESMF for the project and site-specific ESIAs/ESMPs for the sub-projects whose alignment/location is known by project appraisal will be prepared, consulted on, cleared by the Bank and publicly disclosed by project appraisal. For other sub-projects site-specific ESIAs/ESMPs will be prepared, during project implementation and once their locations are finalized. Finally, PWA will prepare an ESCP for the project which will be included in the legal agreement between the Bank and The Palestine Liberation Organization (for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority). The ESCP will also be prepared, finalized, cleared by the Bank and publicly disclosed by project appraisal.


ESS3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management

Overview of the relevance of ESS3 for the project:

ESS3 is relevant to the Project as it will involve the construction of water systems, wells, and operation and maintenance activities for wastewater treatment plants that would lead to significant increase of the use of water, generate wastes, sludge, effluent discharges, laboratory wastes that could cause pollution and would require considerable energy use. The systems will be optimized by considering the  following actions: (i) conducting detailed water balance; (ii) opportunities for improvement in water use efficiency; (iii) specific water use assessment; (iv) operation benchmarking, (iv) preparing OHS Plan and ERP for all the various sub-activities which will be financed which will be included in site-specific ESIA/ESMPs, and (v) assessing the laboratory capacity at PWA and/or in country and propose the necessary training.  The wastewater treatment and sludge treatment processes will, by definition, prevent pollution caused by wastewater generated. If the physical, chemical and biological treatment processes are adequately optimized, additional pollution of the operation (such as odors and vectors) would be prevented at the source.

ESS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources

Overview of the relevance of ESS6 for the project:

This standard is relevant. Most of the project sites are in populated urban and rural areas that do not have high biodiversity conservation value and no ecosystem services are likely to be impacted by the Project. However, since the locations of some of the sub-projects related to water extraction is unknown, this ESS is relevant until additional information is obtained during preparation and revisited prior to appraisal. Moreover, the site-specific ESIAs/ESMPs will assess the impacts on habitats of importance if any identified are within the impact area and will propose alternative routes for the water pipes and/or other requisite mitigation measures in line with the ESS6. Additional information will be obtained and assessed on impacts on natural habitats once the exact project location and final project design are known.

ESS8 Cultural Heritage

Relevant. No tangible or intangible cultural heritage is expected to be impacted by project activities. However, the project will involve excavation and  given the historic nature of the country there is always a chance to find tangible cultural heritage. Consequently, as a minimum, the chance fund approach will be applied, and chance find procedures will be prepared as part of the ESMF by PWA and will be incorporated in all works’ contracts.

Individual Consultancy Service for an Environmental Specialist

The PWA intends to engage an individual consultant in the West Bank as an Environmental Specialist.

Main Tasks, Responsibilities and Scope of Work:

The environmental Specialist is expected to monitor and follow up all the environmental aspects of the Water Security and Resilience Program, within all components of the project as follows:

  1. In collaboration with the Social Specialist, lead and coordinate the PWA team’s efforts in providing advice, building capacity, and advancing the development and implementation of the Donors’ (such as World Bank, AFD, kfW) environmental risk management policies and procedures (e.g. the Bank’s ESF) during project preparation and implementation.
  2. Support and collaborate with the Social Specialist for, the preparation and implementation of the project’s ESMF, CHSMP, LMP and other relevant E&S instruments, plans etc.
  3. Ensure that all relevant E&S reviewed and cleared by the Bank, and disclosed in-country in accordance with the project ESCP.
  4. In collaboration with the Social Specialist, prepare and develop site-specific ESIAs/ESMPs, in accordance with the terms of the ESMF and other relevant E&S instruments to monitor the implementation of each mitigating measure corresponding to a negative impact of the project.
  5. In collaboration with the Social Specialist, supervise the implementation of the project ESIAs/ESMPs.
  6. In collaboration with the Social Specialist, monitor the implementation of the project ESCP.
  7. In collaboration with the Social Specialist, ensure the inclusion of specific environmental and social instruments in relevant bidding documents
  8. Periodically carry out field visits and conduct monitoring of environmental management activities and provide timely advice as required
  9. In collaboration with the Social Specialist, prepare and submit periodic environment and social monitoring reports to the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Manager.
  10. In collaboration with the Social Specialist, prepare and submit regular environmental and social progress reports to the World Bank as required by the project ESCP.
  11. Participate in relevant meetings especially during the donors’ missions and prepare all reports for the mission on environmental management.
  12. In collaboration with the Social Specialist, conduct capacity assessment and identify what capacity building is needed in terms of environmental management aspects. Ensure capacity development in accordance with the project ESCP.
  13. Provide support in conducting training on environmental issues.
  14. Work in close collaboration with other members of the project team e.g. Social Specialist, M&E, Communication etc., for implementation of requirements outlined in the ESMF/ESMPs/ESIAs.
  15. Undertake other duties as per the requirements of the project or as directed by the PIU manager at PWA.

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.

متطلبات الوظيفة

Minimum Required Qualifications:

  1. At least a bachelor degree in environmental studies, or any other related field.
  2. Minimum 5 years work experience in the field of environment including working according to the requirements of international/donor institutions.
  3. Relevant experience in preparing environmental and social reports for donor financed projects (e.g. The World Bank).
  4. Experience of working in teams at different levels.
  5. Has self-initiative, is dynamic in establishing relationships and constant site visits to project locations.
  6. Good management skills, particularly workshop organizing and moderation, communication skills as well as having the ability to work in a team.
  7. Languages: Fluency in Arabic and good English skills (written and spoken)


تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي Environmental Specialist
آخر موعد للتقديم 10 - Oct - 2022
المكان رام الله والبيرة
نوع الوظيفة دوام كامل
المستوى المهني إدارة
الراتب N/A
الدرجة العلمية البكالوريوس
الخبرة 5 سنوات
آلية التقديم

The contract will be for 1 year extendable as demand necessity, on a full-time basis. The expected start date for the position is 01st of December 2022. 

Interested consultants shall submit her/his applications includes (Cover letter, CV describing similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills, etc.) must be delivered by email addressed below no later than 10/10/2022.

[email protected] 

For more clarification, please do not hesitate in contacting the us during working hours (8:00 am-15:00pm).

Tel: 02 2987665

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