Financial Officer/accountant | مسؤول مالي-محاسب/ة
على من ت/يرغب بالتقديم للوظيفة ارسال السيرة الذاتية مع رسالة توضح سبب رغبة المتقدم/ة بالعمل لدى مؤسسة دالية، على الايميل
الرجاء كتابة المسمى الوظيفي في خانة الموضوع. الموعد النهائي للتقديم 26/07/2017 ظهراً.
سيتم النظر في الطلبات المستوفية لما سبق، وسنقوم بالإتصال فقط بقائمة المؤهلين للمقابلة.
The Dalia Association is recruiting for one full time financial officer/accountant.
We are seeking an energetic, creative, diligent, detail oriented addition to our team.
Dalia is a Palestinian community foundation focused on strengthening community giving (community philanthropy) and promoting community controlled development using local resources. While Dalia is a small organization, we provide unique experiences for our staff as we strive to mobilize local resources for community controlled grant making and community controlled funds. In this way, we aim to shift away from politically tied aid that does not address the priorities of our community.
If you share our values and commitment, and meet the qualifications of this job, apply by July 26, noon, by sending your CV and cover letter explaining why you want to serve at Dalia to
Please include ‘Dalia accountant’ in the subject of the email. We will only contact shortlisted applicants.
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.