Freelance, PHP Laravel, Graphic Design Consultant/Trainer

الوصف الوظيفي


Consultancy #: 2020 –C – 02

Tamkeen program "Youth Empowerment and Development"

About Ajyal

Ajyal Association for Creativity and Development is a Palestinian nongovernmental organization firstly established in 2003 and registered at the Ministry of Interior, no.7329. It mainly aims to contribute in the Palestinian society development through implementing a variety of programs and developing projects. It seeks likewise to develop the concepts of community work according to a vision suits our society needs and to increase the targeted groups awareness and perception to contribute in a real development process to ultimately enhance and develop our society abilities. Ajyal works on four main programs: (Youth, child, woman and humanitarian support).

Project Description:

Ajyal Association in partnership with IM Swedish Development partner is implementing the project  Tamkeen” Youth Empowerment and Development”, aiming at:  Empowering youth in Gaza and building their capacities through multi-interventions including training, coaching, orientation, and follow up and monitoring for the development of a learning process for the targeted youth groups among males and females in the Gaza City. Moreover enhancing the rights holders' economic inclusion via increasing their access and utilization of their productive resources and individual assets that could be as a small capital in order to start their business as follow:

Telework" to enable the creation of online jobs (Telework/Freelancer) among youth:

Ajyal Association intends to build the capacities of (32) young males and females among youth in Gaza city on the skills and topics; the capacity building training course will target 32 participants; the target group will be divided into two groups, each will receive a two different advanced technical trainings and each for 40 hours, after that, each of the two groups will receive a freelance training for 60 hours, that will be followed by coaching, orientation, and follow up by the project team.

The intervention will also build the new target group’s capabilities and will lead them to the first step in the labor market as the start of a change that will take place during the six months of the project.

Overall Project Objective: "Contributing to resilience building of youth in the Gaza Strip"

Training Objectives:

  • Strengthening the trainee's skills on the training topics.
  • Enhance the trainees knowledge and understanding the technical training topics and freelance business
  • Contribute to make a change on the trainee's economic situation and life conditions through establishing their online jobs.

Training Participants: 

(32) Young youth among unemployed graduates aged between (20-25) years, including females who would be targeted and benefit from the “Telework” program.

Purpose of the assignment

  • Upon the completion of the selection process and contracting, the trainers/consultant will work closely with the project team for the following purposes: -
  • Prepare an announcement and design an enrollment form online
  • Longlisted the eligible candidate 
  • Prepare an online assessment (technical assessments) for the longlisted candidate to select final list of the candidates.
  • Conduct an interview with the selected trainees to assess their competencies skills and describe the project objectives 
  • The consultant/s should propose a first-hand action plan for the training course including: training matrix, methodology, timeframe, and required facilities and stationery.
  • Prepare and deliver a training handouts/manual, during and after the training course.

Training topics:

The consultant/trainer may use the below topics to be covered within the training course, however, including more topics that are related to the scope of the training is desirable to achieve the purpose and the objectives of the training.


  • The trainers/consultants should submit a detailed technical proposal including training methodology, as well as suggestions for the follow up and monitoring to be adhered to by the project team and staff.
  • The trainers/consultants should adopt training and facilitation methodologies, techniques to motivate and enhance individual and group interaction.
  • The trainers/consultant should make sure through their technical proposal to be adapted and design to conduct all of the training topics online by using an online application.

Timeframe and duration:

The trainings will be conducted during the month of July 2020 at Gaza City.


The consultant should submit to Ajyal Association the following deliverables:

  • A final narrative report;
  • Evaluation report within the narrative part of the training report;
  • Soft and hard copies of the training handouts; and
  • Other delivers that the consultant/s may see it’s of an added value.

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.

متطلبات الوظيفة

Requirements on the Consultants:

Ajyal Association is looking for a Trainers with the following qualifications:

  • Documented theoretical and practical training experiences in the related field
  • Approved record in carrying and conducting training for similar target groups for at least 5-7 years’ experience at local and/or national levels, preferred to have a previous experience in conducting an online training.
  • Detailed CV of the trainer
  • Has a relevant theoretical knowledge of/ worked practically with the issues of free lance business, digital and e-marketing, networks. etc).
  • Develop a report outlining the main opportunities, challenging, remaining needs, future suggestions and recommendations and the significant enhancement of the trainees on their knowledge and skills of the training topics.
  • Companies and groups of Trainers are eligible to submit their offers 


  • The applicant/s must be individual, who should include a maximum budget frame (the budget should include all costs related to the training course, including the stationery, facilities, and transportation).
  • The payment will be made as follows:
  • Lump-sum at the end of the training accomplishment and submitting all required deliverables to the project coordinator at Ajyal Association.
تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي Freelance, PHP Laravel, Graphic Design Consultant/Trainer
آخر موعد للتقديم 20 - Jun - 2020
المكان قطاع غزة
نوع الوظيفة العقود والاستشارات
المستوى المهني متوسط الخبرة
الراتب N/A
الدرجة العلمية البكالوريوس
الخبرة 5 سنوات
آلية التقديم


  • The offers shall be submitted to Ajyal Association main office ( no later than 20th June 2020 at 15:00 pm (Gaza/ Palestine time-zone), by sending their applications to the following e-mail address: [email protected] (and to write the name and the training topics applying for in the e-mail body, and the Telework # 2020-C-02  on the e-mail subject). Applications without financial proposal will be treated as incomplete.
  • The offers must include a separate technical and financial proposals;
  • We reserve the right not to accept any of the offers received, without declaring the reasons.
  • The criteria which shall serve as basis for evaluating offers will be:
  • Technical qualification; (70%)
  • Financial proposal; (30%)
  • Only shortlisted consultants will be contacted following to the preliminary scanning and review of the received offers from consultants/trainers.
  • For questions, contact Mr. Mohammed Abu Assaker at: [email protected] ; or at: +970 56 2144421; from 10:00 am to 16:00 pm daily. Friday and Saturday are days-off.


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