Gender Analysis Consultant
Catholic Relief Services
Jerusalem, West Bank, & Gaza (JWBG)
Gender Analysis Consultant
Catholic Relief Services is an international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States and has been present in the Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza since 1961. The CRS JWBG country program currently supports development/relief programs and activities in the sectors of civil society, humanitarian assistance, youth empowerment, education, and peace & justice. For further information about CRS, please visit: CRS is seeking highly qualified consultant as per the following scope of work:
Scope of Work:
CRS is implementing Envision Gaza 2020, a 5-year USAID-funded project, starting in 2016. The project focuses on providing humanitarian assistance and livelihoods activities, particularly Cash for Work, Cash for Internship, Cash for Apprenticeship, and entrepreneurial training and small business grants for youth and women.
CRS is conducting a gender analysis which will inform refinement of project strategies to implement gender sensitive activities, improve the capacity for Palestinian women/girls to participate in livelihood activities and ensure the full and equal participation of women and men in the project. Conducting a gender analysis will allow Envision Gaza 2020 to identify gender-based constraints and to systematically assess gender considerations in each of the programmatic areas, specifically emergency response and livelihoods.
The analysis will identify gender issues and determine possible entry-points for the activity. Focus should be related to the different roles, needs, priorities, and strengths of Palestinian women/girls and men/boys and the complexity of gender relations in the context of social relations and how this constraints or provides opportunities for addressing gender inequality; and assess the barriers and constraints to women and men participating and benefiting equally from Envision Gaza 2020 interventions and discuss strategies to address these barriers and constraints and ensure that they are adequately resourced.
Specific objectives of the gender analysis are to:
- Identify the roles, responsibilities, interests and needs of women and men, boys and girls. This information will be used for decision making on project design and implementation.
- Obtain information on priority targeting and critical intervention strategies that will contribute to a more gender responsive program implementation process for:
a) Livelihoods (CFI/A, CFW, entrepreneurship and small capital grants); and, for
b) Emergency response (ERR) activities
- Identify and address the underlying structural barriers to equal access, participation and control as they apply in society and in the project activities.
- Identify the gender gaps that are most likely to impede the achievement of Gaza 2020 goals and strategic objectives.
- Determine how proposed activities will address gender barriers and inequalities and promote positive outcomes for women and men, girls and boys.
- Identify any potential negative effects Gaza 2020 activities might have on gender relations.
- Review the service delivery mechanisms and MEAL systems to ensure the examination and measurement of accessibility, participation and impact in women's and men's lives.
Secondary data from several recent studies (UN Women, UNFPA, USAID, etc.) has been analyzed, hence there is need for additional field work to complement the gaps needed to meet these objectives.
The specific purposes of the Gender Focus Group Field Exercise:
- Serves to complement from a micro perspective findings from recent studies on gender dynamics in Gaza; and,
- Capture any current and/or new insights/data about the livelihoods and emergency response gender issues of women and men, boys and girls.
CRS therefore seeks an external consultant to facilitate data collection, specifically focus group discussions, for the Envision Gaza 2020 gender analysis.
Tasks / Deliverables
- Conduct at least 15 Focus Group Discussions with targeted groups following CRS guidance, with 8-12 people in each focus group
- Participate in orientation session on use of Gender Analysis qualitative data collection tools, developed by CRS
- Facilitate use of participatory tools in Focus Group Discussions, following CRS guidance
- Complete notes for each Focus Group Discussion with brief summary of themes and key points
- Complete Focus Group Discussions for Gender Analysis
- Submit notes with a brief summary of themes from each Focus Group Discussions in Arabic
- Translate all notes to English and submit to CRS
All raw data must be submitted to CRS. Final deadline for submission of data collection, raw data, and translation of notes must be received by Wednesday, June 1. All raw data should be submitted in Arabic on a daily basis.
Consultant(s) need to take into account exact number of days of engagement (maximum 10 working days), local travel costs and all other expenses related to their assignments, accompanied with the implementation plan.
Needed qualifications for the consultant
The selected consultant must be capable to work in diverse environment, to have a high degree of gender specific evaluation experience, preferably/if possible in evaluating similar humanitarian assistance and livelihoods projects. Strong facilitation skills and educational or community engagement experience and/or background will be a plus.
How to apply:
Interested applicants with relevant experience and education are encouraged to submit an application as follows:
- Application form and complete Terms of Reference is available at
- Applications will be accepted from groups (consultancy firms or teams of individuals) or individuals wishing to fulfill the role of the lead consultant.
- Submit a technical application that includes
Description of consultant applying;
Past performance in similar areas with at least 2 references;
A short concept paper (no more than 3 pages excluding budget) explaining proposed methodology, implementation plan of focus groups, and timeline for data collection and analysis;
Brief CV(s) of expert(s) involved emphasizing only relevant gender assessment and experience. Only include the CVs of those individuals who will be primarily and substantially involved in conducting the baseline survey. The CVs of other individuals who would only be involved peripherally will not be considered during bid reviews.
- Submit a financial proposal. Prices should be in New Israeli Shekels and must be valid up till 90 days after the submission date. The financial proposal has to identify the daily rate and the total cost and should respect the maximum limit mention in this TOR. Please also clarify the estimation cost of submitting English version of the focus group data.
Please submit your complete application online at: no later than May 16, 2016 at 11:59PM.
- The successful bidder will sign all USAID-required documents.
- CRS reserves the right to reject all bids, and to decide not to pursue this procurement. CRS is not obliged to procure the lowest priced offer, when the lowest price does not offer the best overall value, all other factors considered.
- For any questions, kindly contact CRS at [email protected]. or Tell: 08-2881167.
The selected consultant must be capable to work in diverse environment, to have a high degree of gender specific evaluation experience, preferably/if possible in evaluating similar humanitarian assistance and livelihoods projects. Strong facilitation skills and educational or community engagement experience and/or background will be a plus. Consultant must be fluent in English as well as Arabic.
The selected consultant must be based and be citizens of Gaza / Palestinian Territories
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.