ICT Consultancy Service Web Portal for Market Access Hub
Terms of Reference
ICT Consultancy Service Web Portal for Market Access Hub
Oxfam GB recognized that the current development needs in Gaza far outweighed existing resources and thus aimed to strengthen existing interventions and promote linkages with other agency initiatives. The project is funded by DANIDA, the Danish international development agency and is working across the Dairy, Vegetable Processing and the ICT sectors, with an integrated policy element.
Oxfam GB through PITA is working to boost the ICT sector as an online ICT hub of competent companies and promising ICT products/services that proved its readiness to enter exporting and outsourcing environments.
The development of a web portal that showcase this emergence highlighting proven success stories within local and international markets opens new horizons for being a reference for seekers of ICT services/products in Palestine. This could establish a dual linkage with business leads and potential customers for new business networking opportunities leading to enhance and support entrepreneurs’ and Start Up companies to penetrate local and international markets.
On the enterprise level, the online ICT hub could be a new stone in the development of ICT enterprises and sector branding. It serves as a portal linked to PITA website and connected to new markets.
Description of tasks
The Consultant will work closely with the supervisory committee (Oxfam GB Economic Development Officer & PITA project coordinator) to carry out the following work:
-Conduction of brainstorming workshop with PITA members, other beneficiaries and relevant stakeholders.
-The development of the technical service provider TOR for the best implementation of the portal from technical and business aspects.
-Participating as part of the selection committee (Oxfam GB & PITA) which will select the service provider that will design and develop the portal/hub.
-Supervision and monitoring of the service provider to ensure that deliverables are on time with required quality.
-Acceptance of deliverables submitted by service provider.
-Conduction of launching workshop towards adoption of system by PITA members and other beneficiaries.
-Reporting as needed to the supervisory committee (Oxfam GB and PITA).
The technical consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs:
-Brainstorming workshop is conducted. Recommendations of beneficiaries are noted.
-ToR document is ready to be approved by the supervisory committee (Oxfam GB & PITA).
-Selection metrics, evaluation criteria is developed to be approved by the supervisory committee (Oxfam GB & PITA) for SP selection and results finding.
-Monitoring reports are provided with milestones accomplished and delivered as expected.
-System is deployed according to needs.
-Launching workshop is conducted.
-30% of PITA members are joining the portal effectively.
-Proposed mechanism of second stage to be provided.
-Final report submitted to the supervisory committee (Oxfam GB & PITA).
Time Frame and location
The technical consultant will start working in 9th March to 31st May 2014.
This consultancy is open to a professional individual consultant, who offers senior experience of:
-More than 3 years in ICT consultancy services.
-Strong experience in e-marketing, online business linkages.
-Strong involvement in private sector.
-Strong communication and business leads networking skills.
-Very Good background of ICT products and services.
-Strong English and Arabic skills will be essential.
-Background experience in similar projects is preferable.
How to Apply:
Qualified candidates are requested to draft a proposal outlining previous related experience, CV, and budget (including day fee and expenses) to [email protected] by no later than 5th March 2014 at 12:00 afternoon.
For Full Terms of References, you can ask for it by sending request e-mail to [email protected] or contact us on 082822554/3.
بدون رسوم اشتراك شهري
اشترك الان في خدمة جوبس وظائف
لتصلك اخرالوظائف الشاغرة ومشاريع تشغيل الخريجين للمؤسسات الدولية والشركات في غزة المعلنةعلى موقع جوبس للتوظيف على جوالك
للاشتراك ارسل رسالة قصيرة الى الرقم 37953 تحتوي على الحرف
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.