الوصف الوظيفي

Local Coordinator – Planning, Research and Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning 

Capability, Accountability, Sustainability and Inclusivity Programme (CASIP)

  • Background

DCAF – The Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance is dedicated to making states and people safer through more effective and accountable security and justice. Since 2000, DCAF has facilitated, driven and shaped Security Sector Reform (SSR) policy and programming around the world.

DCAF is currently preparing for the implementation of the project under the DFID funded Capability, Accountability, Sustainability and Inclusivity Programme (CASIP) aiming at providing support to the Palestinian Security Sector. The CASIP, if approved by DFID, will deliver improved financial and human resources management, policy-making capability, a more effective security sector complaints handling system, and increased internal accountability of Palestinian Authority Security Forces (PASF).

DCAF has designed a multi-year programme proposal to support the objective. In support of the outcome, the Technical Assistance programme will support interventions in four identified thematic areas:

  1. Planning, research and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) 
  2. Public financial management 
  3. Complaints  
  4. Human resources 

It is expected that the project will run from July 2019 through March 2021 contingent to funding. 

Work under the Planning, Research and Monitoring and Evaluation and learning thematic area will focus on the following deliverables: 

  1. PASF agencies have increased knowledge and capacities in preparing strategic, developmental, and operational plan.
  2. Pilot planning units at PASF agencies have capacities to work under the M&E system. 
  3. The organizational structure of the planning departments of the Palestinian security forces is more capable of supporting the functions assigned to it.

In order to support implementation of the Planning, Research and MEL thematic area DCAF is looking for qualified candidates for the post of Local Expert – Planning, Research and Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (Local Expert – Planning and MEL). 

  • Purpose of Mandate

In close coordination with the Team Leader, the Deputy Head Programme, the International Expert for planning, research and MEL and Local Coordinator for Planning and MEL, the local expert on planning will support the implementation of the 21 month intervention plan (Planning and MEL component) at the Ministry of Interior and all security services and commissions with a focus on determining the scope of work in planning research and MEL thematic area. The scoping exercise could include preparations of for example:  

  • An M&E framework document for the PASF agencies
  • An M&E plan for the PASF agencies
  • M&E System for the PASF agencies based on the Framework and the Plan is in place
  • A capacity building programme for the planning units on the strategic and operational planning process is conducted
  • Working tools & training tools to be used for the capacity building programmes are developed.

The mandate consists of:

  • Stakeholders’ consultation will focus on M&E information/data collection and other needs at MOI/PASF agencies in this area.
  • Setting up an M&E Implementation Team (M&E Team).
  • Activities and delivarables

The mandatee shall perform the following activities and produce the following deliverables.

Activity 1: Review and Scoping Exercise (Stakeholder Consultations)

The aim of the scoping exercise is to set up the bases for the intervention in support to the Planning units at the PASF Agencies. This may include development of an M&E Framework and an MEL and planning plan for the security establishment as well as identification of the specific requirements in terms of capacity building and tools to be elaborated for the planning units. The first step will focus on stakeholders’ consultations to determine the approach of capacity building programme for the Planning units at PASF agencies and tools that should be developed to apply the new skills acquired.

Activity Background:

The mandatee with the help of the local coordinator in Planning and MEL will conduct a series of consultations with relevant senior staff at the PASF agencies in order to yield more profound assessment of the needs at the PASF agencies perspective. More precisely, the main focus will be to find out how indicators under the SSSP 2017-2022 are collected and reported and what the Ministry of Interior expects from ministries and agencies in terms of reporting against these indicators. This specific assessment will build up on workshops conducted during the inception phase and will focus on decision-makers. It will in particular serve to provide more detailed baseline regarding their current modus operandi in relation to planning needs, data collection and reporting. In addition, based on the findings of the inception phase, these consultations will be critical, especially among the leadership, to confirm their buy-in and support for the activities to follow. 

The expected work methodology is as follows:

Before Activity: 

  • Review all the project related documents namely the CASIP intervention plan proposal (Planning and MEL components) in the inception phase gap analysis, DFID ToR, and the December workshop minutes, the SSSP 2017-2022 and the NPA 2017-2022. 
  • Prepare guidry questions that yield more profound assessment of the needs at the PASF agencies perspective.
  • Prepare an outline describing the consultation process and the identified targets, and methodology of work. 

During Activity:

  • Hold Consultation reviews based on the prepared guiding questions and outline.
  • Hold focus group meetings with identified individuals across PASF. 

Post Activity:

  • Prepare the first draft of the M&E scoping report and Planning and Research scoping report. The report will be reviewed by the international expert for planning, research and MEL, M&E team and DCAF.
  • Based on feedback from DCAF, international expert and local consultations the expert will provide the final scoping report.
  • Prepare two 18- month activity plan for both M&E and Planning. 

Expected deliverables: 

    • Precise deliverable 1:  One outline paper.
    • Precise deliverables 2: Guiding questions.
    • No. of questions: 15-20 questions 
    • Precise deliverables 3: Two Scoping reports (M&E and Planning )
    • Precise deliverables 4:  Two 18 -month Activity Plan    
    • Original language: Arabic
    • Number of days: 23

Activity 2: Setting up a M&E Implementation Team

The mandatee is responsible for the creation of an implementing team with the help of the local coordinator.  This will be reached through a series of consultations with the MoI and the PASF agencies. The M&E Team will be composed of representatives of the eighteen PASF agencies and will be guided by the Planning Unit at the MoI (security side), the Planning and M&E overarching institution.

It is expected from the mandatee to precisely specify in paper the main mandate of the team and it is specific role within the PASF agency and within the CASIP project. 

Expected deliverables: 

    • Precise deliverable 5: Setting up an M&E implementation team.
    • Precise deliverable 6: Draft the roles and responsibilities of the M&E team. 
    • Original language: Arabic
    • Number of days: 5 

Activity 3: Presentation of the scoping reports

Once Activity 1 has concluded DCAF will present to the stakeholders the intervention plan and activities.  The mandatee has to prepare a presentation for the stakeholders showing the 18-month activity plan for both planning and M&E with the targeted institutions and also present the main findings of the scoping report.   

Expected deliverables: 

    • Precise deliverable 7: A full presentation to the Local Stakeholders. 
    • Original language: Arabic
    • Number of days: 2 days
  • Timeline and assignment

To fulfil the mandate a maximum of 30 days will be covered by the agreement

Timeline: The Mandate covers the period from 1 August 2019 to 31 October 2019.

Precise dates for handing to DCAF the particular deliverables listed in the ToR will be agreed in the initial phase of the assignment. 

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.

متطلبات الوظيفة
Expert qualifications
Education, knowledge and experience
- Master’s degree in Public Policy or related fields;
- A minimum of 10 years relevant work experience in strategic planning and M&E; 
- Previous work in/with public institutions as well as with senior management of governmental institutions;
- Excellent command of oral and written Arabic, English is an asset;
- Specific knowledge or experience in any of the aforementioned two gaps (purpose of the mandate) is an asset;
- Experience in working in multicultural and interdisciplinary teams;
- Experience in facilitating workshops;
- Experience in drafting documents/reports
- Proven experience in developing an intervention plan including: outputs, activities, time frame, defining roles and responsibilities, risk plan.
-Excellent communication and drafting skills;
-Proven problem-solving skills;
-Strong planning and analytical skills;
-Ability to work under pressure and towards tight deadlines;
-Cultural sensitivity;
-IT skills, particularly in Word and Excel.
  • Values
The ethical principles for the professional performance of the Mandatee shall be as follows:
Anonymity and confidentiality: 
The Mandatee must guarantee anonymity and confidentiality for any persons providing information in the context of this assignment.
Problems arising during the assignment shall be immediately communicated to DCAF. 
The Mandatee shall guarantee their independence from the activities implemented. The Mandatee will communicate all and any conflicts of interest to DCAF.
Validation of information: 
The Mandatee shall be responsible for guaranteeing the veracity of information collected and presented in the outputs produced.
Delivery of outputs: 
If delays in delivering the outputs occur or if DCAF deems the quality of work insufficient, DCAF may withhold the payment of instalments linked to these activities and outputs.
تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي Local Expert – Planning and MEL
آخر موعد للتقديم 28 - Jul - 2019
المكان رام الله والبيرة
نوع الوظيفة دوام كامل
المستوى المهني متوسط الخبرة
الراتب N/A
الدرجة العلمية الماجستير
الخبرة 10 سنوات
آلية التقديم

The proposal must be submitted before Sunday 28 July 2019, 14:00 Ramallah time, in an electronic version to DCAF email address ([email protected]) stating in the subject “Local Expert – Planning and MEL”.  

The proposal must contain the following elements:

  1. Cover letter (maximum 1 page) 
  2. CV

Please use the following format to name the attached files (LastName_CV). If any of the application guidelines are not followed the application won’t be considered by the reviewing team. 

The honorarium will be proposed based on DCAF standards for daily rate for Local Experts.

DCAF reserves the right to request additional information deemed appropriate from the applicant. 

DCAF will treat all information received in the context of the application confidentially. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. DCAF is not in a position to respond to emails nor telephone enquiries. 

The vacancy is open to the Palestinian nationals only.

This vacancy is contingent to the availability of project funding. 

عند التقدم لاية وظيفة عن طريق الانترنت، لا تقم بإعطاء معلومات بطاقة الأعتماد او أية معلومات بنكية / مالية لصاحب عمل. نصيحة من جوبس لحمايتك :