Project Team Leader
Team Leader Vacancy, Gaza Gateway
The Gaza Gateway is an UNRWA pilot, to be launched as a non-profit social enterprise in the private sector later in 2015. The Gaza Gateway aims to help grow the IT sector in Gaza by –
-Introducing new international buyers to Gaza, signing commercial outsourcing contracts.
-Hiring recent IT graduates to carry out the work of these contracts in a learning workplace that invests in professional development and competitive project delivery.
-Sub-contracting these contracts to Gazan firms, along with the graduates who have become experienced at completing the contracted work.
Our Project Team Leaders are essential to this vision. A Project Team Leader is a young professional with plenty to offer others, sound technical skills, a long term plan, and a realistic idea of the next steps of professional development. A Team Leader has the self-knowledge to recognize the benefit of approximately two years of experience and learning in a new and challenging enterprise.
If you are at this stage, we invite you to complete the application on the below link
no later than June28th, 2015. We have one Team Leader position for Der El-Balah Participatory Planning Project starting in August, and we are forming a pool of qualified candidates for future Team Leader positions as well.
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.