مستشار/ة تطوير مقترحات مشاريع وتجنيد أموال

الوصف الوظيفي


 جمعية مركز المصادر للطفولة المبكرة هي جمعية أهلية غير حكومية تأسست في القدس الشريف عام 1985م بمبادرة من الشهيد فيصل الحسيني ومجموعة من التربويين الفلسطينيين كمبادرة لتربية ورعاية الأطفال في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة واستنهاض الوعي المجتمعي لأهمية العمل والاستثمار في هذه المرحلة.

الجمعية مسجلة كجمعية أهلية خيرية في وزارة الداخلية الفلسطينية عام 2008م، وتعمل في جميع مناطق فلسطين مع التركيز على القدس، والضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة.

 تعلن الجمعية عن حاجتها للتعاقد مع مستشار/ة تطوير مقترحات مشاريع وتجنيد أموال للقطاع غير الربحي ضمن مشروع " "رعاية الطفولة المبكرة الشاملة وذات الجودة للأطفال الأكثر تهميشاً في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة"  الممول من انقاذ الطفل، للعمل الرئيسي في مقرها الكائن في رام الله. 

Terms of Reference Proposal Writing Consultant

Organization The Early Childhood Resource Center (ECRC)

Location West Bank

Title Grant Proposal Specialist

Duration Six months

Start date 1/4/2024


The Early Childhood Resource Center (ECRC) is a Palestinian non-governmental organization that was established in Jerusalem in 1985 by a group of Palestinian Educators. ECRC aims at leading the initiative to address the needs of the Palestinian community in the field of Early Childhood Education, Care, and Development (ECECD). ECRC’s mission is guided by the comprehensive integrated development approach with the conviction that the development of the child's cognitive, physical, and psychological processes will eventually lead to the development of a well-integrated Palestinian child. ECRC aims to strengthen the capacities and attitudes of its staff towards the utmost management and educational practices based on the full realization of the rights and protection of children, transparency, accountability, and good governance with the help of partner institutions and stakeholders.


The Early Childhood Resource Center (ECRC) is seeking a grant proposal specialist for a short-term assignment (six months) to develop the necessary skills for ECRC team in developing winning project proposals for early childhood development core themes and ERCR priorities focusing on the most vulnerable areas in the State of Palestine.


  • Prepare a funding strategy for 2024 which outlines the objectives, purpose, thematic areas of interest, donors who fund in oPt and provide prioritization of these donors. The strategy should also annex a funding plan. (The funding plan can include the following: defining the funding target for 2025, a completion of a donor mapping, completion of sector-specific concept notes/ program briefs (these will be updated regularly/ as per the need), updates on the country mission’s funding status to the senior leadership team, finalization a donor engagement plan for the top 10 donors supporting the office and roll this out with SMT).
  • Create a proposal process/ SoP for proposals.
  • Prepare concept papers, sector briefs, expression of interests and other program management required documentations
  • Create a go/ no go template to capture awards decisions.
  • Review Request for Proposals and prepare brief report template on donor requirement and present it to the management/ team working on the submission.
  • Draft and prepare proposals, after collecting necessary data, information and documentation from related area.
  • Perform routine maintenance of project documents, project background, project profile, and other documents as per manager’s advice.
  • Perform routine research to identify potential grant opportunities, collect relevant information about new opportunities.
  • Proof read documents that are written in English language and able to provide constructive suggestions.
  • Maintain the grant pipeline and reporting calendars to meet all deadlines.
  • Support the ECRC team in ongoing strategic partnership development by
    • Creating/updating partnership database.
    • Expand the partnership by 5 new partners.
  • Prepare projects progress reports such as quarterly reports, annual reports, final report and other project/program related reports required by the management.

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.

متطلبات الوظيفة


  • Experience of 3-5 years or more in proposal writing with outstanding & well-established track record of performance.
  • Bachelors/Masters in Project Management, Business Administration, English language or related field.
  • Experience in Non-profit sector and work experience with donor agencies and familiar with their requirements.
  • Experience proposal writer with familiarity in proposal budgets, M&E, project log frame and the desired outcomes.
  • Knowledgeable in early child development and child rights.
  • Knowledgeable about competitive proposal processes and the roles of a proposal writer in those processes.
  • Experience in strategic planning, and the ability to analyze data and information with a focus on competitiveness.
  • A high degree of attention to detail and the ability to lead key tasks (i.e., proposal development) to on-time completion under significant pressure.
  • Proficient in using MS Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills including communicating with impact, influencing, negotiating, and coaching
  • The consultant must take into account the need to communicate in two languages (English and Arabic) with high proficiency in both languages.REQUIRED QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE:
  • Experience of 3-5 years or more in proposal writing with outstanding & well-established track record of performance.
  • Bachelors/Masters in Project Management, Business Administration, English language or related field.
  • Experience in Non-profit sector and work experience with donor agencies and familiar with their requirements.
  • Experience proposal writer with familiarity in proposal budgets, M&E, project log frame and the desired outcomes.
  • Knowledgeable in early child development and child rights.
  • Strong project management skills and the ability to establish project timelines and manage multiple tasks on strict deadlines.
  • Knowledgeable about competitive proposal processes and the roles of a proposal writer in those processes.
  • Ensure high-quality work for accuracy, completeness, and clarity.
  • Proficient in using MS Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • The consultant must take into account the need to communicate in two languages (English and Arabic) with high proficiency in both languages.
تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي مستشار/ة تطوير مقترحات مشاريع وتجنيد أموال
آخر موعد للتقديم 12 - Mar - 2024
المكان رام الله والبيرة
نوع الوظيفة دوام جزئي
المستوى المهني إدارة عليا/تنفيذي
الراتب N/A
الدرجة العلمية البكالوريوس
الخبرة 3 سنوات
آلية التقديم

على من يجد/ تجد في نفسه/ها الكفاءة إرسال السيرة الذاتية معززة بثلاثة معرفين عبر البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]، وذلك حتى موعد أقصاه 10/3/2024.

عند التقدم لاية وظيفة عن طريق الانترنت، لا تقم بإعطاء معلومات بطاقة الأعتماد او أية معلومات بنكية / مالية لصاحب عمل. نصيحة من جوبس لحمايتك :