Request for Consultancy Service :Facilitator
Request for Consultancy Service
Facilitator for
Organization Development and Managing Change
The American Friends Service Committee AFSC has been working for long time in the Palestinian Territories. In 1949, AFSC organized the relief efforts for Palestinian Arab refugees expelled and displaced into Gaza Strip. Following 1967 war, AFSC established a child education program in Gaza, which has been transferred to a local organization.
AFSC initiated the Palestine Youth Program in 1999, to provide technical assistance to NGOs leaders and the youth they serve. The program stressed the importance of building the capacity of partner organizations in areas related to cultural and national heritage, environmental education, accessibility and support to young people with visually impairment to have access to assistive technology.
Since 2004, AFSC has been implementing a Youth Civic Engagement Program and developed the Popular Achievement Program (PA) to empower Palestinian youth to take leading roles and responsibilities as citizens and agents for peace, justice and social change
In 2012, AFSC Middle East region staff worked to develop a plan for its future work in Palestine and other parts in the region. In parallel an external evaluation of the Youth Civic Engagement Program highlighted the need for AFSC to re-examine its role as an international organization and redefine how it works in partnership with Palestinian institutions, organizations and movements.
Within this re-examination, AFSC has engaged in the process of transforming Gaza office into a devolved program, which will lead to the creation of a new independent organization. AFSC has shown commitment to support Gaza team during three years (2013 – 2016) to accomplish the transformation efforts.
AFSC seeks the services of competent individual consultant to inspire Gaza Team and facilitate organization development and managing change.
Interested consultants can obtain a copy of the terms of reference by sending a request by email to
no later than March 15 th 2014
The dead line for submission of offers is March 25 th, 2014, and for further information please contact AFSC at 8- 2849622
بدون رسوم اشتراك شهري
اشترك الان في خدمة جوبس وظائف
لتصلك اخرالوظائف الشاغرة ومشاريع تشغيل الخريجين للمؤسسات الدولية والشركات في غزة المعلنةعلى موقع جوبس للتوظيف على جوالك
للاشتراك ارسل رسالة قصيرة الى الرقم 37953 تحتوي على الحرف
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع جوبس.