Short consultancy-Evidence Based Practice in Rehabilitation

الوصف الوظيفي



Training on Evidence Based Practice in Rehabilitation


Duty Station:                                 

Ramallah, West Bank


Short term consultancy

Planned Starting Date:

September 12th 2011

Planned Ending Date:

November 22nd 2011

Application deadline:                   

July 17th, 2011



Handicap International (HI) has been operating in Palestine since 1996 and has developed relationship with several disability stakeholders. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics there are around 4,048,403 million Palestinian living in the oPt (2,513,283 million in West Bank and 1,535,120 million in Gaza strip), 40.8% of them (15-19) years of age, 29.4% of them (15-29) years of age and 59.2% of them (20-29) years of age. According to general estimations by WHO, between 7-10% of a given population would have some kind of disability; in the Palestinian Territories, this implies that the figure would be around 284,000 – 404,000 people.

According to the last records, the prevalence of disability in the oPt was about 7% (relaxed definition) with similar prevalence in each of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. While the prevalence of disability using the narrow definition was 2.7% distributed as 2.9% in the West Bank and 2.4% in Gaza Strip; while it was 2.9% for Males and 2.5% for females[1].  Taken together, this implies that the total number of PwDs in opts is around 113,000-287,000.


Needs/demands assessment

Since the starting of its operations in oPt, HI has conducted regular assessments in order to identify needs/demands of PWDs in. The findings of the last assessments are described below:

·         Lack of information of PWDs on services available and how to access them.

·         Lack of quality of and appropriateness of assistive devices.

·         Low quality of rehabilitation services not addressing the users' demands.

·         Limited accessibility to rehabilitation services for PWDs.

·         Increased number of PWDs worsened by deterioration of the socio-economical situation in the oPt.

Scope of Work

In the framework of the ongoing project, Handicap International is targeting eleven rehabilitation centers and committees in the WB. The project components aims at developing the professional capacities of the rehabilitation teams within those centers upon defined and agreed training topics.  In the same time, enhance self motivation to adopt and practice user-family- centered approach in service provision and follow up.  In order to reach the project specific objective, a number of training modules will be implemented. One of the implemented activities is the technical training for graduate physiotherapists (PT's) and occupational therapists (OT's) on evidence based practice (EBP). The work will be realized, keeping in mind the general objective of the project, HI’s philosophy and training approach.

Specific objectives of the consultancy

Objective I: Designing the teaching material for the training on evidence based practice 

In coordination with HI technical team, the consultant will build the training material. The training material shall address sufficiently the evidence based practice concepts and skills. In addition, clarifies applications of the concepts, skills and tools within the rehabilitation process.



Objective II: Train 30-35 Occupational therapists, Physical Therapists from 10-12 rehabilitation centers in the West Bank on evidence based practice in rehabilitation

By the end of the training, the trainer will ensure that 30-35 occupational therapists and physical therapists are able to:

Þ      Explain the main principle of EBP, the five steps of EBP and its connection with the rights based approach.

Þ      Explain the difference between an authority-based-approach and a knowledge based approach.

Þ      Transform three clinical questions that arise from the care of clients into a research question by applying the pico-method.

Þ      Search on the intranet for relevant and reliable information / literature by:

·         Use of boleaan operators

·         Differentiating  between databases like Google –Wikipedia – Google scholar – Pubmed

·         Searching in scientific databases (Pubmed (mesh terms)

Þ      Evaluate the level of evidence and explain the difference in evidence between: randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, systematic reviews, guidelines and the opinion of professionals / experts.

Þ      Decide if the results from a scientific article / study are reliable and valid and if they will help in caring for the client.

Þ      Decide if they can apply the results from a study to client care.

Þ      Decide if the assessment and treatment methods they use in their centres are based on EBP principles.

Þ      Use the knowledge acquired in the training to evaluate the evidence base of the different topics of the modules.

Þ      Ensure providing the participants with basic knowledge on the transfer of the newly acquired EBP skills to other health-professionals in their centers.

Description of Duties


End product/deliverables

Time Frame

Þ      Preparation

Þ      Designing theoretical and practical training sessions for around 30-35 OTs, PTs on EBP, especially also training the participants, in a computer lab, on how to access medical databases. Ensure link with the overall project’s training curriculum designed by Handicap International.


-       Lesson schedule for 2 training days


-       Teaching material

2 days

Þ      Draft a lesson plan.

Þ      Ensure that the content and the lesson plan is validated by HI’s technical advisor.

Þ      Implementing theoretical and practical training sessions for around 30-35 OTs, PTs on EBP, especially also training the participants, in a computer lab, on how to access medical databases.

Þ      Design an evaluation for the technical training sessions which will be used to assess the impact of the training

Þ      Evaluate the output of the training sessions.

Þ      Advice on the follow-up task for the participants.

- Lessons implemented



2 days

Þ      Reporting on the results of the training.

- Report on training (evaluation, lessons learned, recommendations)


5 days

Profile of the consultant

·         Higher education in Physical or Occupational Therapy field or closely related (medical) field (MSc or PhD).

·         Knowledge and experience on evidence based approach.

·         Experienced in training skills towards occupational therapists and physiotherapists.

·         Five years of relevant work experience, preferable in the field of physical rehabilitation and disability issues.

·         Good social and communication skills, able to respect confidentiality.

·         The consultant is expected to have a sense of personal security, be aware of the security situation and take respective action, especially when approaching check points.

·         Excellent computer skills and knowledge on databases like Pubmed, Cochrane etc.

·         Excellent English and Arabic language skills (reading, writing and speaking).

·         Excellent reporting skills. 

Estimated cost to Handicap International

a)     Fees (daily rate*number of working days): ………………………….

b)    Transportation fees: ………………………

c)     Total (a+b): ………………………………. USD dollars.

Conditions of assignment:

·         HI is not responsible for health, work insurance compensation for the consultant during the working days.

·         Transportation cost will be covered by Handicap International.

·         Consultant will be under HI security rules during his/her mission.

Relation with the HI project team

          The consultant will work in close collaboration of HI technical advisor and report to HI Project Manager.


Deadlines of submission reports:

·         The final elaborated report on the training with recommendation should be submitted maximum by 1 week after finishing the training.

Please send your CV with at least 2 references and cover letter including your financial expectation before July 17th 2011

With the reference [Consultant Evidence Based Practice West Bank]  To:  [email protected]

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تفاصيل الوظيفة
المسمى الوظيفي Short consultancy-Evidence Based Practice in Rehabilitation
آخر موعد للتقديم 17 - Jul - 2011
المكان رام الله والبيرة
نوع الوظيفة دوام كامل ودوام جزئي
المستوى المهني متوسط الخبرة
الدرجة العلمية البكالوريوس
الخبرة بدون خبرة
آلية التقديم
عند التقدم لاية وظيفة عن طريق الانترنت، لا تقم بإعطاء معلومات بطاقة الأعتماد او أية معلومات بنكية / مالية لصاحب عمل. نصيحة من جوبس لحمايتك :