Training of trainers (TOT) module for Persons with Disabilit

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Training of trainers (TOT) module for Persons with Disabilities

(Advancing the rights of vulnerable and marginalized persons with disabilities in the West Bank through all inclusive advocacy led by the disability movement


Handicap International is an independent international solidarity organisation which works in situations of poverty or exclusion, conflict and natural disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations, the association takes action and speaks out in order to meet their essential needs and improve their living conditions. Handicap International is committed to campaigning to ensure their dignity is preserved and their fundamental rights upheld. HI is active in occupied Palestinian territories since 1996, supporting services provision to persons with disabilities and looking at strengthening access to information for users. Also Handicap International works with service providers, persons with disabilities, their representatives and local authorities to developed sustainable mechanisms and capacities to enhance access to services for persons with disabilities and development of capacities of DPOs (Disabled Persons Organisations) at local, national and regional level so they become acknowledged counterpart of authorities and service providers and influence policy making processes. HI  supports local stakeholders, DPOs, service providers and authorities in their own initiatives to remove barriers and deliver services, enhancing inclusiveness of community development processes while optimising community resources.

Handicap International has got a grant for the European UNION (EU) to implement a 30 month project tilted “ Advancing the rights of vulnerable and marginalized persons with disabilities in the West Bank through all inclusive advocacy led by the disability movement” to be implemented in West Bank. The project General and specific objectives are

General Objective: National and local decision makers in the West Bank implement the national disability law and inclusive community development addressing the rights of all Persons with Disabilities

Specific Objective: Disabled peoples' organisations (DPOs) and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) at national and local level in the West Bank are engaged in advocacy activities

for the rights of vulnerable persons with disabilities[1]  and those living in marginalized areas, fostering a cross-disability approach

The project has three main results; The purpose of this TOR is the implement one activity under result 2.


DPOs and SHGs have developed inclusive advocacy skills and practices at local and national levels

This result focuses on the development of relevant technical capacities within the partner DPO (Stars of Hope Society, SHS), local DPOs and SHGs in the targeted areas of Hebron, Naplus, Tulkarem, Jenin and Qalqilia to equipe them at best to:
-promote the disability rights and the united Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and
-implement related advocacy and awareness raising.

The capacity development under this result will thereby be achieved in two steps. In a first stage, focal points of the partner DPO and Persons with Disabilities’ activists will be targeted by a Training of Trainers (TOT) covering two key areas being 1) disability rights and 2) inclusive advocacy and awareness raising strategies. The objective under this result is for the disability movement to develop a pool of expertise and capacities enabling them to further promote the Rights Based Approach (RBA) in disability and provide the basis for effective inclusive advocacy on disability rights at local level. To achieve this, technical capacities on rights-based and advocacy approaches, human rights frameworks and current strategies in international disability work will be developed through a TOT approach, which is particularly important given the poor access to such information for the target group.

Activities which will follow the TOT:

In a second step, a series of trainings on disability rights and inclusive advocacy strategies will be implemented to roll-out the knowledge to local DPOs and SHGs in the project areas, using the resource persons developed under the TOT. The empowerment of the constituency is, in the context of the power divide between local and national levels, indispensable for the LDPOs and SHGs representing vulnerable and marginalized persons with disabilities to become powerful and influential actors within the disability movement and towards authorities.

The objectives under this result will be the necessary transfer of relevant knowledge for the local level to develop the technical capacities to plan action to promote the rights of vulnerable and marginalized persons with disabilities and the CRPD at their local level. Thereby, the local DPOs and SHGs will receive micro-grants for the implementation of advocacy initiatives at local and national levels ensuring that the knowledge can be applied and thus, sustained. The action aims to prioritize the Disability Movement advocacy interventions targeting authorities at the local and national level through comprehensive initiatives that accurately mirror and represent the needs and demands of the most vulnerable persons with disabilities and those living in marginalized areas. In addition, sensitisation and awareness raising activities under this result will target the wider community and traditional community structures to 1) provide accurate understanding of disability and its causes; 2) promote community awareness on the rights of persons with disability in their communities.

Info. About Disability in Palestine:

According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics there are around 4,048,403 million Palestinian living in the oPt (2,513,283 million in West Bank and 1,535,120 million in Gaza strip). According to general estimations by WHO, between 10-15% of a given population would have some kind of disability; in the Palestinian Territories, this implies that the figure would be around 284,000 – 404,000 people. According to the last records, the prevalence of disability in the oPt was about 7% (extended definition) with similar prevalence in each of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. While the prevalence of disability using the narrow definition was 2.7% distributed as 2.9% in the West Bank and 2.4% in Gaza Strip; while it was 2.9% for Males and 2.5% for females.  Taken together, this implies that the total number of PWDs in oPts is around 113,000-287,000.

Given the severe challenges and marginalization that persons with disabilities (PWD”s )experience in the oPt, the overall objective of the project is for national and local decision makers in the WB to implement the national disability law and inclusive community development addressing the rights of all persons with disabilities. To achieve this, the specific objective will aim for DPOs (Disabled people organizations) and SHGs (Self help groups) at national and local level in the West Bank to engage in advocacy activities for the rights of vulnerable persons with disabilities and those living in marginalized areas, fostering a cross-disability approach. The proposed action will implement the commitments of the CRPD which stipulates the pivotal role of persons with disabilities and their organisations in the promotion of their rights in development processes (Art. 29, 32 & 33): Providing means and support for the meaningful inclusion of the interests of particularly vulnerable groups will strengthen the representativeness of the disability movement and thus, its legitimacy. In increasing their capacity to include the whole range of perspectives from the diverse constituencies from all levels, the action will support DPOs and SHGs in assuming a greater role as key civil society actors in governance. Moreover, the project will contribute to greater awareness and understanding of disability, promoting lasting processes of change in the attitudes and practices towards persons with disabilities and a greater recognition of their rights in the public


In order to achieve  the project specific objectives,and result 2 a TOT will be implemented to develop sustainable technical capacity of PWD’s and DPO’s, the Training of Trainers (TOT) approach has been selected as the most relevant one, aiming at the development of a pool of expertise at local level skilled in delivering training on disability rights and the implementation of effective advocacy and sensitisation activities.

Fifteen trainees will be selected, relating to approximately two from each of the five marginalized areas. These 15 trainers will have the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and understanding about disability rights, inclusive policy and advocacy together with key legal information that will be used in both their own capacity building and in the training of other members of LDPOs and SHGs. The knowledge and skills that they will develop is also safeguarded by linking their development to other Activities in the long perspective of  project. This part of the training will be conducted for two days by Stars of hope society and handicap International.

The second part of the training which will target the same trainees will be for four days and will be aim of this TOR. This part of the training is complementary to the first part and will be  focusing on the didactic and pedagogical techniques including how to work with specific vulnerable and marginalized persons with disabilities.

Each training days will be evaluated by the participants and trainees will be evaluated at the end of the training. Based on the results, adapted support will be provided to future trainees during the preparation and implementation of activity.

Specific objectives of the consultancy

-To Develop the competencies of  15 trainees to be TOT on disability issues  who will in return train other PWD’s targeted in the project and in West Bank.

-To build capacities of DPO’s and to ensure sustainable PWD’s  resources participation and involvement in leading disability movement.

In coordination, and collaboration with the HI and stars of hope society, the consultant will build the teaching materials for the training on the TOT needed skills.

By the end of the training the trainer will ensure that the 15 trainees will be able to:

-Understand the concepts and principles of learning (Adult learning)
-Understand how to plan for trainings
-To be able to develop learning objectives
-To understand and acquire facilitation skills
-Understanding training methods
-Understanding the use of Audio visual aids in teaching
-Understand how to monitor and evaluate training
-To develop/design lesson plans
-To develop and use communication competencies.

-Higher education in Social science-PCM or related field
-Knowledge and experience on  TOT training .
-Previous experience in training persons with disabilities
-Good social and communication skills, able to respect confidentiality.
-Excellent English language skills (reading, writing and speaking).


Start date:  Sept.25/2013
Mission end date: .Sept.30/2013
Mission timetable: number of working  days according to the requested work load and within the proposed mission time:
Service location: Ramallah City West Bank.


Number of Reports: one report required on the training.

The report should include:

-Summary of the training
-Discussion on the input.
-Results of the training (impact on the trainees).
-Conclusion (training output)


The report due date is 5 days after the last day of the 6 days training.

Language: English


Within the framework of the consultancy, the Consultant will be in collaboration with Handicap International’s teams and in particular with HI project Manager  and Technical Advisor who will be the point of contact.


Once the short listing of applicants is done, Handicap International shall contact the shortlisted applicants to provide a full proper price quote with his/her financial expectations according to the services requested fitting with the below criteria:
-Price quote shall be in English and in ILS currency.
-Prices shall be inclusive of VAT.
-Delivery timeframe & payment terms shall be clear and mentioned in the quote fitting with the start/end dates requested by Handicap International.
-Price quote shall be signed and stamped.

Please send your CV with at least 2 references and cover letter no later than Sept.14. 2013 With the reference (TOT training module) to: [email protected]

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المسمى الوظيفي Training of trainers (TOT) module for Persons with Disabilit
آخر موعد للتقديم 14 - Sep - 2013
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