Preparation of CRPD Shadow Report (2nd Re-announcement)
Terms of Reference
RFP Name: Preparation of CRPD Shadow Report (2nd Re-announcement)
RFP No.: 01 - R2P - 2020
Project Name: Right to Protection (R2P)
Funded By: Caritas Germany
QADER for Community Development is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting better well-being of persons with disabilities (PwD) in Palestine. QADER endeavors to positively influence public policies, develop capacities of relevant stakeholders, and promote public awareness and disseminate information pertinent to PwD rights and issues; all according to the priorities of PwD and on the basis of national and international human rights, and the principles of equality and social justice.
QADER is implementing the “Right to Protection” project with the support of Caritas Germany. The project aims of enhancing national policies and mechanisms for the protection and fulfilment of the rights of persons with disabilities; strengthening the national protection services and programs and making them more disability inclusive; adapting current complaint mechanisms and systems to be inclusive and accessible to PwD, especially females with disabilities; and adapting and aligning national laws with international human rights treaties and conventions related to PwD. Specifically, the Project will do so through: Strengthening child protection program at Ministry of Health, Strengthening monitoring processes of government commitment towards the implementation of human rights conventions related to persons with disabilities, and assessing the responsiveness and inclusion measures of local complaint mechanisms / systems with regards to disability and gender.
About the Assignment
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities aimed at promoting and protecting the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities in the world. It is the first legally binding treaty to clearly set out the obligations on states to avoid discrimination against persons with disability in all its forms, and to create a society in which the rights and dignity of persons with disability are respected.
The treaty asserts the rights of persons with disabilities such as education, health, work, and adequate living conditions, freedom of movement, freedom from exploitation, self-representation, participation in the political and governance processes as well as equal recognition before the law.
The State of Palestine ratified the UNCRPD in April 2014. Article 33 of the CRPD obliges state parties that are signatory to the CRPD to ensure the participation of persons with disabilities in the national implementation and monitoring of CRPD. The treaty requires the states to prepare national reports to the UN Committee on the implementation and in accordance with the provisions of article 33, civil society and organizations of PwD also have the monitoring role.
The Palestinian Government submitted its first report on the implementation status of CRPD in 2019. However, it is noticeable that there is no clear implementation mechanism as well as no effective inter-ministerial coordination for implementation nor for reporting progress and achievements. The Palestinian government has done a little on mainstreaming disability in national, sectoral and cross-sectoral development strategies, yet there is still weak translation of such policy frameworks into inclusive practices, services and programs.
Based on that, QADER has launched a process to prepare a shadow report for the UN Committee on the status of implementation the CRPD in Palestine.
Purpose of the assignment
The aim of this assignment is to prepare a shadow report for the UN Committee on the status of implementation the CRPD in Palestine. In specific, the report will address the rights of PwD in work and employment, pursuant to articles 27 and paragraph 5 of article 12 in the convention.
Duties & Responsibilities
The consultant shall carry out the following tasks:
- Develop an action plan for the preparation of the shadow report.
- Develop a framework of the shadow report.
- Conduct desk review of relevant literature, including disability rights related documents, legislations, policies, national/ sectored and cross sectored plans, state reports, research studies, official statistics and publications, with regards to the agreed upon themes / issues as well as articles of the UNCRPD.
- Ensure the collection of information from different stakeholders with regards to the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities as spelt out in the CRPD.
- Ensure participation and consultation of PwD and other key stakeholders to the maximum possible.
- Draft the shadow report using the guidelines set by the CRPD committee.
- Moderate and facilitate stakeholders’ meetings and consultative workshops.
- Incorporating the views and feedback from stakeholders and submit a final report.
- Any other related duties.
CRPD shadow report in Arabic.
Time frame:
The assignment should be completed within 4 months from the date of signing the contract.
Consultant’s Profile
- University degree in law, social sciences, or other related fields.
- Proven experience in interventions addressing persons with disabilities (PwD).
- Full knowledge of national legislations and laws, and international convention specially the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities – UNCRPD.
- Knowledge of the human rights situation in Palestine, especially for persons and females with disabilities.
- Strong profile in Carrying out, designing and delivering research studies related to human rights, social policy and development issues in general and relevant to Disability in specific.
- Previous experience in preparing shadow reports is a plus.
- Strong facilitation and communication skills.
Interested Consultant, shall download the Solicitation Document from QADER’s website on the following Link, and submit their offer accordingly in a sealed envelope to QADER's Office located in Beit Jala, Al Salam Park Street (Beit Jala Public Library Building), no later than 15:00 PM on Wednesday 8th of July.
** Persons with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply for this consultancy; QADER for Community Development is committed to the principle of equal opportunities for all **