360 Degree Photography for Virtual Tour 


Terms of Reference

360-Degree Photography for Virtual Tour 

About AFSC 

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is an international organization that is committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian services. Its work is based on the belief in the worth of every person, to overcome violence and injustice. AFSC’s work in Palestine dates to the year 1949 when the AFSC offered support and help for Palestinians seeking refuge in Gaza after the 1948 war. Today AFSC’s work In collaboration with local communities and neighborhoods, is focused on foster understanding and reconciliation, promote economic development and food security, educate the public on human right, justices, equality and encourage youth mainly to be active members in their societies.

About the project 

The Palestinian Youth: Together for Change Project, “TAWASALO” (PYTC3.0), is implemented in partnership by AFSC, Palestinian Vision organization and Baladna Association. 

The project aims to brings together Palestinian youth from their various locations in historic Palestine, to overcome political and social fragmentation through organizing exchange visits and tours in different location in 48, Jerusalem and West Bank. In each planned exchange tour, participants are exposed to the visited localities history, landscape, and the current social fabrics. Additionally, in the tours, experts present the aspiration and dreams of local communities in addition to current realities to dismantle general stereotypes and expose how geographical and political fragmentation had impacted the Palestinian community. 

Due to current movement restrictions, AFSC and partners is looking at creative tools to deliver such tours and messages to a wider group of beneficiaries to widen the impact. The wide spread of internet and available in-hand technologies is presenting and opportunity to engage with local communities

  • The full Terms of Reference (TOR) details and the required documents to be included to the offer are available in the attachment document. 
  • The submissions should include all the required documents listed in clause number 6 in the ToR.
  • The selection process of the service provider is described in the ToR and AFSC is not obligated to the lowest price.

Please submit the technical and financial offers with the requested documents no later than  November 22nd, 2020 addressed to the following email: [email protected] Short listed applicants may be subject to an interview.

Any clarifications or request for additional technical information should be addressed to Same email or through phone on Tel: +972 (0) 2 628 8070

Documents: ToR

المكان القدس, الخليل, بيت لحم, نابلس
موعد الإنتهاء 22, Nov, 2020
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