Action Research on the Skills Development
Reference No: PZA1804411-10035
Country: Palestine
Project Name: Skilled Young Palestine – Improving Resilience and Job opportunities for Youth- SYP
Title: Services procurement contract for “Action Research on the Skills Development- PZA1804411-10035”
There is only one lot of this tender to conduct a study to analyze and document to what extent the implementation of the Skills Development Fund (SDF) contributes to creation of an environment that encourages training providers to supply the skills that society and the economy need and facilitate collaborative public private partnerships.
Enabel now invites tenders from eligible and qualified tenderers for carrying out these works:
Tendering will be conducted through the direct negotiated procedure without publication (Belgian Public Procurement Law) and is open to all tenderers from Eligible Source Countries, as defined in the tender documents.
Tenderers can download the tender documents and all annexes at the following address: Public procurement - Enabel - Belgian Development Agency |, then selecting country: Palestinian Territory.
This tender is VAT excluded under certain conditions, defined in the tender documents.
Tenders shall be valid for 90 days after the tender closing. No bid bond is required.
Tenders must be delivered to the address mentioned below before the 4th December 2022 at 1:00 PM. Late tenders will be rejected. Tenders will be opened behind closed doors.
To download attachments please click Here
1. Tender documents with forms
2. Annex 1: Terms of Reference- ToR
Enabel - Belgian Development Agency, Royal Center, 7th Floor, Al Balou’, Mecca Street, Ramallah - Al Bireh