
RFP 02/2022: Advocacy Training Consultant- Deadline for submission: no later than 30 January 2022, at 15:00h, by hand/courier in a sealed & stamped envelop.

The Jerusalem Human Rights Consortium (JHRC), is a consortium of four leading Palestinian human rights organizations native of Jerusalem; The Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Centre (JLAC), The Land Research Centre (LRC), The Saints Yves Association (St Yves) and the Women’s Centre for legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC).

The consortium is implementing the project “Protecting Marginalized Communities in East Jerusalem through legal aid, planning and advocacy”, funded by the EU East Jerusalem Programme. The overall objective of the project is to support the marginalized Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem, increase their resilience, prevent forcible transfer and reinforce the Palestinian identity of East Jerusalem. Over the course of the project, the consortium and its member organizations will support the resilience of Palestinian Jerusalemite communities through the provision of legal aid, land planning assistance, and local and international advocacy efforts.

The legal aid efforts the consortium organizations will provide can be broken down into

  • House Demolitions
  • Residency Rights
  • Social & Economic Rights
  • GBV and Family Rights due to Israeli discriminatory laws and policies
  • Public Interest Cases

The JHRC is hosted by the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Centre (JLAC), and thus JLAC acts as the legal representative of the JHRC.

The Assignment

Those Terms of Reference (ToR) for the required technical support towards building the capacities and increase the knowledge of the consortium member organizations and likeminded organizations.

This ToR therefore provides information on the overall objectives of the consultancy assignment, the general methodology, expected deliverables and the required qualification and experiences of the consultant to conduct the assignment.


The purpose of this assignment is to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of JHRC members and likeminded organizations, and equip them to design, implement, monitor and evaluate successful advocacy interventions.


  1. Clarify the definition and differentiation between key concepts: Advocacy, campaigning, lobbying, organizing and mobilizing, raising awareness and pushing for systematic change.
  2. Equip JHRC member organizations and likeminded organizations with the skills required to design successful, innovative and contextualized advocacy interventions.
  3. Develop the capacities of JHRC member organizations and likeminded organizations in effective community organizing such as (storytelling, building relationships, structuring teams, strategizing, and acting)
  4. Inspire JHRC members and likeminded organizations to act and make them examine and discover their own power (power is defined as “the ability to achieve purpose”).
  5. Provide the participants with the needed tools to enhance the planning processes at national and international levels, for example mobilizing citizens to play an active and informed role in advancing resilience, scaling up of JHRC program methodologies, and identifying strategies which reflect the needs of the rights holders.

Full ToR is attached.

المكان القدس
موعد الإنتهاء 30, Jan, 2022
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