An analytical study: “Women’s Rights, division, and conflict...


Terms of Reference

An analytical study: “Women’s Rights, division, and conflict resolution”


Within the framework of the project: “KARAMA - NORAD”

Terms of Reference

Analytical study - “Women’s rights, Division, and conflict resolution”



Consulting ServicesCarry out and prepare a study (of between 30-50 pages in the Arabic language with both Arabic and English summary) on women’s rights under the division, the impact of the legislation issued during the division on women’s rights, and women’s role in the 5 implementation process. 

Deadline: 20.06.2023

Funded by: The project is funded by Norwegian Agency for development cooperation (NORAD) through KARAMA.


Established in 1981, The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD) is a non-governmental women’s, developmental, and learning human rights organization that contributes to developing feminist struggle within national, social, and developmental dimensions. The organization believes that liberating women is connected directly with ending the occupation and establishing a full Palestinian democratic sovereign civil state. PWWSD is active all-over West Bank including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, and is an active member in several local, regional, and global networks and coalitions. 


The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD) is a leading women’s rights organization that contributes to the feminist struggle against all kinds of discrimination entrenched by the prolonged Israeli occupation and patriarchal structures and norms of the Palestinian society, aims for a free and democratic Palestinian society based on gender equality, respect for human rights, and social justice. The organization promotes women’s empowerment, women’s participation in the national struggle against occupation, women’s contribution to the development processes, the entitlement of women to political, economic, and civic rights, women’s access to justice, and their right to a life free of violence.

About the Project


The overall objective of the project is to contribute to preventing and solving conflicts through increased women’s participation in peace and security work and strengthening human rights, needs, and priorities of women and men in areas affected by armed conflict under occupation. With specific objectives, which are, first, Peace and reconciliation processes facilitate participation by women in all phases. Second, when implementing peace agreements, steps are taken to safeguard the human rights of women and men.

Scope of The Assignment 

PWWSD is seeking to engage a consultant to carry out and prepare an analytical study, in the Arabic language with a summary in both languages Arabic and English, about women’s rights under the division, the impact of the legislation issued during the division on women’s rights and women’s role in the 5 implementation process. 

The study will have an analytical methodology and historical background about the political division, with five chapters each chapter will reflect each implementation process (transitional justice, elections, women’s quota, implementation of the strategic framework of UNSCR  1325, and implementation of Istanbul reconciliation agreement 2020).

The researcher is solely responsible for coordinating and conducting the interviews, site visits, and all needed tools in support of the analytical study. Also, the researcher is expected to submit the first draft of the study on the 15th of June, 2023, and to amend the study as needed. The content will be finalized in consultation with the PWWSD project team. 

Assignment Duration:1/5/2023-20/6/2023

Location: Ramallah, Palestine


The consultant is also required to:


Maintain open and frequent communication with PWWSD and the projects team. 

Submit the deliverables in a timely manner under the terms of the contract.

Submit the outline and the analytical study in high-quality English and Arabic language.

Amend the outline and the analytical study as needed and according to PWWSD comments. 


The consultant will undertake the following tasks:

Conduct a meeting organized by PWWSD with the project coordinator and any other representative members of PWWSD to discuss the main theme that will be addressed in the content of the analytical paper.

Develop the first draft paper in Arabic with an Executive Summary in English and Arabic.

 Submit the first draft paper to PWWSD for feedback no late than 15 June,2023.

 Submit the final paper, no later than two days after receiving the feedback from PWWSD on the first draft, to be submitted to the Project Coordinator.

 Participate, after completing the analytical study, in a meeting that will be organized by PWWSD staff, with the participation of decision-makers and civic society organizations to present the results of the study.



Required Qualifications

Master’s degree in law, political studies, conflict resolution, and any related social studies, with at least 3 years of experience in Analytical studies, Ph.D. will be an asset. 

Strong understanding of national and international laws and legal frameworks on gender equality, women's rights, and women’s access to politics, including an understanding of the social, cultural, economic, and political context of Palestine. 

Well knowledge of the five implementation processes is a must.  

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Fluency in written and spoken Arabic and English is required. 

A proven experience in conducting such work for projects of similar nature, developing analytical studies of similar nature and magnitude in the field of enhancing women's participation in peacebuilding




Evaluation and Selection Criteria

In accordance with the evaluation criteria and compliance with the qualification requirements, technical and financial offers shall be graded and ranked according to the following: 



Expression of Interest

Interested consultants are required to submit the following to PWWSD with a cover letter through email at [email protected], the submission deadline is 27..4.2023 at 3:00 pm. 

A Technical proposal with a specific focus addressing the purpose and objectives of the assignment, methodology, and proposed work plan, including context (brief), approach, and a proposed timeframe. 

A detailed analytical study outline.

A writing sample in the English language.

 A resume

A financial offer in $ including VAT. 


For further details, you find the ToR here.

المكان قطاع غزة, القدس, رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم, نابلس, جنين, طولكرم, قلقيلية, طوباس, روابي
موعد الإنتهاء 27, Apr, 2023
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