Assessment of the Employability in the Culture and Creativit...
1. Procedure
Service contract. Based on the applications received, eligible candidates will be invited to submit detailed tenders for this contract.
2. Programme title
Promoting gender-responsive actions in Palestine to integrate women in the culture and creative industry (NDICI-GEO-NEAR/2024/453-569).
3. Financing
Budget line
4. Contracting Authority
Italian Agency for development Cooperation (AICS) - Jerusalem Office
5. Nature of the Contract
Global price
6. Contract description and objective of the service
Service contract for the provision of an assessment on the employability in the Culture and Creativity Industry (CCI) in three specific domains - Audio-visual, Design and Media - in Palestine (West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza).
Focusing on the three domains indicated, the assessment will provide data about the labor supply and demand, specifying:
• Which entities are the major employers in the country (private companies, cooperatives, public institutions, etc. );
• Who are the major Palestinian universities/education institutions with specific programmes in the domains indicated;
• Who are the major Palestinian universities/education institutions that produce new artists/professionals in the domain indicated; • What are the main targets of young graduates seeking jobs in CCI.
The assessment will also offer an overview about the major actors in the Palestinian in CCI, providing updated information about:
• Academic programs in audio-visual, design and media offered by Palestinian universities, specifying name of the university, location, contact, number of students enrolled (disaggregated by sex) in the programs indicated, duration and cost of the programs.
• TVET programs in audio-visual, design and media ofiere6 by Palestinian education entities, specifying name of the university, location, contact. number of students enrolled (disaggregated by sex) in the programs indicated, duration and cost of the programs.
• Private companies and cooperati'ves in audio-visual, design and media specifying location, contact, turnover, number of employees (disaggregated by sex), business trend, employment capacity. • Public emglovers in audio-visual, design and media specifying location, contact, turnover, number of employees (disaggregated by sex), business trend, employment capacity.
• Civil society orqanizations specialize in audio-visual, design and media, specifying location, contact, number of employees (disaggregated by sex), main activities, intervention areas, methodologies of intervention, business trend and employment capacity.
• Hub/platforms specializing in labor matching in CCI, including institutional instruments (e,g., the “Labour Market Information System” of the Ministry of Labour). Based on results of the assessment, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in Jerusalem, will offer grants to enhance woman's access to labor market in the three sectors indicated.
7. Indicative budget
Up to 30,000 00 Euro (Thirty thousand /00 Euro)
8. Additional information
Participation in tendering is open on equal terms to profit, no-profit, NGOs, Civil Society Organizations registered in Palestine that have worked on a domain related to the scope of contract in Palestine in the last five years.
9. Documents to be supplied by the applicants:
• Fill in the Annex 1
• General information about the applicant;
• A presentation of the tenderer's organization, including the total number of the staff employed;
• A list of the staff proposed for execution of the contract, with the CVs of key staff:
• Evidence of relevant experience in carrying out contracts of a similar nature, including the nature and value of the contracts, works-in-hand and contractually committed.
10. Deadline for receipt of applications and relevant criteria
The deadline for the submission of application is 24” March 2025. Applications must be sent to the following e-mails:
[email protected]
[email protected]
11. Legal basis
Regulation (EU) N 236/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11th March 2014 laying down common rules and procedures for the implementation of the European Union's instruments for financing external action.