Assessment of water & wastewater Service Providers Adaptatio...



Assignment Title: Assessment of water and wastewater Service Providers Adaptation to Governance and Integrity Principles.

Regulating towards Good Water Governance and Integrity funded by the Government of the Netherlands

Date: 3/4/2018

Procurement Reference No.: WSRC/06/Neth./12/QCBS/2018

The Water Sector Regulatory Council (WSRC) has received financing from the Government of the Netherlands toward the cost of the Regulating towards Good Water Governance and Integrity Project (the Project). The Council intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services for assessing of water and wastewater service providers adaptation to governance and Integrity principles. Other Objectives of the assignment may include:

- Identification of governance risk areas in service provision

- Identification of these risks impacts

- Suggestion of implementable mitigation measures and action plan for improvements

- Suggestion of governance self-assessment tools.

The WSRC now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. The selected consulting firm shall submit the firm CV including cv’s for key staff including the team leader.

The indicative starting date of the assignment is June 2018. It is the responsibility of the Firm to estimate the required inputs to successfully complete the assignment.

Firms Selection Criteria:

  • Proven and documented experience in at least two similar tasks in Palestine.
  • The team leader is to have a master degree in governance/ integrity or a related field from well-known university with a minimum of 10 years of experience in governance/integrity assessments preferably related to water and sanitation service providers in Palestine.
  • Ability to perform related tasks in Gaza within the given period of time.
  • Proven experience of work with water and wastewater service providers.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 08:00 to 16:00.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a sealed envelope to the address below by April 16th ,2018 15:00 PM

Water Sector Regulatory Council, WSRC
Attn: Mr. Mohammad Al Hmaidi, CEO
Khalaf Building, Al Bireh - Palestine  
P.O.Box 4097
Tel.: + 970 2 240 12 94
Fax: + 970 2 240 12 95
for farther information only: [email protected]
المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 16, Apr, 2018
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