

Project Title: Increasing Palestinian women’s representation in the non-traditional sectors, particularly, the automotive repair and car maintenance industry in the West Bank “I’m here and I can”

Duration: 1 September – 15 October 2018.

Location:  West Bank, Palestine

Deadline: 14 August 2018

  • Introduction

1.1 Asala

“Asala” is a Palestinian non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 1997 under the name Centre for Women’s Economic Projects (CWEP). Asala aims to provide Palestinian women with the necessary skills and opportunities to successfully contribute to the advancement of their society on basis of equal rights and access to markets.

Since its establishment, Asala worked through two related areas of women empowerment; first by providing microfinance loans to micro and small women-owned businesses of Palestinian and marginalized women entrepreneurs, and, has established 9 field offices throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Second, through capacity building programs, including trainings, consultation and advocacy and lobbying for women’s economic and social rights and access to market activities in cooperation with the private sector to ensure women’s access to local and international markets through networking, exhibitions and marketing services. “The Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association – Asala” continues to provide comprehensive and needs-based services to marginalized women in the West Bank and Gaza Strip along three strategic tracks, namely:

  1. Advocacy and lobbying for women’s economic and social rights
  2. Capacity building for women entrepreneurs
  3. Facilitating access to local, regional and global markets for women entrepreneurs

Asala seeks to empower women who have limited resources to realize their economic and social rights by using a holistic approach to development in accordance with their needs. We believe in empowering Palestinian women who are capable and influential in a democratic society that adheres to social justice

The project “Increasing Palestinian women’s representation in the non-traditional sectors, particularly, the automotive repair and car maintenance industry in the West Bank” will be a partnership between the DanChurchAid/Norwegian Church Aid (DCA/NCA) and the Businesswomen’s Association-Asala and funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) linking Asala’s activities and expertise to DANIDA’s strategy. The program is expected to be commenced in early 2019 over three years.

Asala’s project plan for the initial phase of the project will be structured to research and analyze the success of working in non-traditional sectors in Palestine, with a focus on the automotive repair and car industry. The purpose of the proposed project is to increase women’s involvement in the non-traditional sectors and thus their participation in the labor market.

The announced consultancy’s assignment is part of DCA/NCA project, which will be implemented by ASALA and its partners (Ritz Motors Company, Ministry of Labour National Committee for Women’s Employment (Gender Unit) - and Nisaa’ FM). The project aims to create opportunities for youth women graduates who have the challenge to access male-dominated careers and occupations, many workplaces in Palestine tend to be male-dominated due to women employees’ awareness, cultural, practices, past experiences and priorities. This will be achieved through the following main outcome: Youth and women have gained and maintained employment.

  • Purpose of the Assessment/Study

The purpose of this assessment is to conduct an applied research and analysis of the private sector in automotive and car repair sector and job opportunities in the Palestinian labor market with a focus on the Ramallah Governorate as a pilot phase. The assessment should link these two areas with the work we do, and identify opportunities for engagement with the private sector for the purpose of job creation and relations building.

The analysis should establish reliable and relevant market information to ensure the relevance of the project to demands of the automotive and car repair sector by indicating which economic and social factors would influence the processes of the project activities. The factors established will be suitable for the vocational training female students and graduates from the relevant fields. All these factors and processes should lead to achievement of market success, profitability and sustainability of the income for skilled graduates.

More specifically, the outcomes of the assessment are:

Outcome 1: A study to analyze the importance of women’s participation in the non-traditional sectors in the West Bank has been carried out with a focus on automobile and car industry in Ramallah Governorate as a pilot.

Outcome 2: An experimental model has been applied in the study

Outcome 3: A business model has been developed to ensure the project sustainability

  • Scope of work

Asala is seeking a qualified expert consultant who will lead and conduct a research to identify the opportunities, challenges for engagement with the private sector in the automotive sector and car repair that would influence the program interventions.  

The analysis will cover women engagement in all automotive sectors and car repair i.e. from existing and potential employers, female graduates in the relevant field, local universities and colleges, vocational training centers, relevant unions, etc. The assessment should consider a pro-poor approach with a focus on inclusivity.

  • Expected results

The consultant is expected to devise appropriate method for the task. However, he/ she is expected to be sensitive to the role of women and youth as explicit focus areas in the program, as well as the context specific situation.

Stakeholder engagement:

The consultant is expected to engage with the following stakeholders as a basis for the analysis:

  • Asala’s partners
  • Automobile companies with a focus on Ramallah Governorate
  • Relevant local and international actors in this field
  • Other private sector bodies.
  • Sample of female graduates in this domain
  • Sample of female employees in this domain

All stakeholder engagement should be closely coordinated with Asala, and the analysis should be conducted in the close dialogue with the business partners to seek alignment and added value to the whole assessment.

  • Deliverables and Timeline:

Inception Report:

The consultant will provide an Inception Report to Asala. This report will be prepared before commencing fieldwork and should provide the consultant’s initial analysis, findings and observations and clearly spell out the gaps in information, how fieldwork will be conducted and input into the proposed questions.

  • Fieldwork and research days:

Fieldwork may involve interviews, focus groups, case studies, surveys, stakeholder meetings, data gathering and site visits. Fieldwork will focus on collecting evidence (qualitative and quantitative) to support activity analysis. The methodology should be developed in cooperation with Asala staff. This should be included in the inception report.

  • Document writing - First report

Addressing the objectives clearly outlining the automotive and car repair sector and Job creation, preliminary findings, and recommendations. Inputs should be aligned with the key issues for engagement with the private sector. The submission should also include a status note on tasks accomplished, and expected process before final deadline.

  • Final report/ business plan.

The final report outlining a business plan and the results of the study. The report should be no more than 50 pages of the main body report, which includes background, analysis methodology, key findings, conclusions and recommendations including a propose business plan. The report shall include all the relevant annexes such as Evaluation tools, questionnaires for interviews & focus groups and surveys.

The proposal and all documents related to the Request for Proposal exchanged by the Candidate and the Contracting Authority must be written in the language of the procedure, which is English.

All interested consultants should send their technical and financial proposal to the Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association- Asala office located in Albireh – Khalaf trading tower- 2nd floor in closed envelopes no later than the closing date and time specified on the front page.

Individual consultants are also invited to apply for this ToR

  • Required Qualifications and Experience of the Consultancy

The consultancy will be required to have:

  • Experience in private sector analysis, automotive sector and labor market assessments in Palestine.
  • Solid understanding and experience of market study techniques.
  • Proven experience in applied researches.
  • Proven track record in conducting analysis and market research in Palestine. This should be clearly indicated in the technical proposal preferable with a sample of work accomplished.
  • Excellent report writing skills in English. Excellent communication and stakeholder relation skills.
  • A degree-level qualification relevant to the assignment.
  • This request for proposals is open for both consulting companies and individual consultants
  • Budget

The proposed budget for the analysis should be developed and proposed by the Consultancy. It should include all relevant costs including professional fees, travel, and accommodation including tax. The budget amount should be presented for discussion with Asala.

  • Roles and responsibilities:

Key tasks for the Consultancy:

Data collection. The consultant will ensure that collected data are sufficient data, which should be gathered for appropriate project design. Data will be collected on such topics as:

  • Analyze the factors for engagement with private sector.  
  • Analyze the commercial viability of integrating female graduates in the automotive sector, both from a short-term and long-term perspective.
  • Assess the demand for skilled labor and services related to automotive sector and car repair that could be an outcome for the program activities.
  • Explore links to relevant automotive companies/individuals that provide service that are relevant.
  • Explore potential investments into proposed engagement with the private sector.
  • Contractual arrangements and Payment

The Consultancy will be hired under agreed terms with Asala and supervised by the DCA/NCA, solely for delivering the agreed outputs, within the agreed time frame.

Payment for the consultancy shall be based on the financial proposal developed for this consultancy and agreed with by Asala in consultation with DCA/NCA. The consultant shall submit a financial proposal, providing enough details and clarity of the included costs. Details of terms and conditions will be indicated later in the contract document. Asala will effect payment based on the schedule to be stated in the contract.

  • Logistics

Asala as the Client shall provide necessary support to the Consultant in order to execute the assignment during the duration of the consultancy.

  • Ethical considerations

The Consultancy should take all reasonable steps to ensure that the analysis is designed and conducted with respect and protection of the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved. The Consultancy should also ensure that the study is technically accurate and reliable, conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and may contribute to organizational learning and accountability. The consultant will also commit to adhering to Asala’s Code of Conduct.

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 14, Aug, 2018
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