
Tender Announcement Ref# 2024-192

Supply of Assistive Devices and PSS kits – Southern Gaza

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) is a humanitarian organization committed to supporting the health and dignity of Palestinians under occupation and in refugee contexts. MAP delivers essential healthcare services, responding to emergencies and addressing long-term health needs, particularly for vulnerable groups. As part of its mission to provide access to healthcare in crisis situations, MAP is seeking bids from qualified suppliers for the procurement of Supply of Assistive Devices and PSS kits in Southern Gaza for the following:

  1. RFQ-2024-192-Assistive Devices and PSS kits

These items are part of the project: “GAZ500-002-Physical Disability Assistance Provision of assistive device - Project Code: GAZ500-002


  • Bidders must have a valid commercial registration certificate, which should be included with the submission.
  • Bidders must be pre-registered as an approved supplier with MAP.
  • All prices should be quoted in USD and based on a zero-VAT invoice.
  • Prices must include all costs related to shipping, inspection, and delivery to southern Gaza.
  • Suppliers are responsible for delivery coordination to the specified site in Northern Gaza.
  • Prices must remain valid for at least 90 days from the submission date.
  • MAP is not obligated to select the lowest bid and reserves the right to reject any proposal without explanation.

Submission Deadline:

The final deadline for submitting bids is 12:00 PM on Thursday, 24-October-2024
Email: [email protected]

Inquiries: For questions or further information, please contact us via WhatsApp:
Phone: +972 599669075


1.RFQ-2024-192-Assistive Devices and PSS kits

المكان قطاع غزة, القدس, رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم, أريحا, سلفيت وبديا, نابلس, جنين, طولكرم, قلقيلية, طوباس, الشرق الاوسط والعالم, روابي (المناطق الجنوبية - قطاع غزة)
موعد الإنتهاء 24, Oct, 2024
شارك هذا العطاء