
Request for Proposal 

Baseline Study

Quotation Number: PV-IRTH-002

Date of publishing: Thursday, 16-April-2020

We will send the RFP for the intrested candedates in 23-4-2020

Candidates proposal submission date until: Sunday, 10-May-2020 (16:00).

Palestinian Heritage Project

This project is implemented by Palestinian Vision Organization in partnership with PASSIA and ACT and funded by the European Union:

The baseline survey aims to establish clear benchmarks at the early stage of the Action which relate to the outputs and results against which progress will be measured and impact assessed at beneficiary, and community levels.

The baseline survey will be part of a larger monitoring and evaluation approach and it forms the basis for measuring change over time to the Action's outcome and impact indicators, it's important for the final evaluation so that impact can be accurately measured. Palvision will use this information to make sound strategic decisions for programme implementation and future programme development. The baseline survey report will contribute to the body of knowledge on the situation of the East Jerusalem communities. 

To the extent possible, the baseline data should enable PalVision and its partners to identify results clearly attributable to the implementation of the project as compared to results from interventions by other actors or other conditions

Qualified NGOs, Think Tanks and individual experts are encouraged to participate in this competition by requesting a FREE softcopy of the Request for Proposal by contacting the e-mail; ([email protected]) starting 

16-April-2020, and to submit their offers by Email in one PDF file format no later than 10-May-2020 at 16:00.

NOTE: Please make sure that PV-IRTH-002 is your subject title in your email. 


  • All prices in EURO and exclude VAT as the project is VAT-Exempted. Awarded Bidder will be required to provide Zero-VAT invoices upon final delivery of all services required.
  • The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the Bidder entirely in EUR.
  • Proposals should be submitted by Email in one PDF file format ONLY, on or before the assigned deadline.
  • Late and/or incomplete submissions will be rejected.
  • Delivery of all services shall not exceed the date mentioned in Request for Proposal.

For any Question or Clarification, please direct your inquiries by email to [email protected]

المكان القدس
موعد الإنتهاء 10, May, 2020
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