Consultancy assignment: Project Baseline Assessment


Consultant for Baseline study

 Contracting Organization: The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO).

Duration of Contract: 2 months (November 21st, 2021 – January 23rd, 2021).

Location: West Bank: Ramallah


PNGO is the lead network for Palestinian CSOs, It was established in 1994. It is considered the main coordinating body and the institutional umbrella in which over 142 organizations are members. PNGO upholds and promotes values of democracy, social justice, and sustainable development while performing its various roles. PNGO works to support, strengthen, and consolidate Palestinian Civil Society, through coordination among national platforms, and through launching projects and implementing activities with member organizations and networks. PNGO leads a pivotal role as a ‘coordination committee’ among non-governmental platforms by supporting the different Palestinian networks and sectors. 

Objectives of the Assignment: 

PNGO is looking for an experienced consultant to conduct a baseline study for the project" ’SHORAKA’: Enabling the Environment of CSOs in Palestine and Participation of Grassroots Organizations in Decision Making Process and Constituency Building. The aim of the project is to strengthen the role of CSOs and grassroots in policy shaping in Palestine, on the local and EU/EUMS levels.
The purpose of the baseline study is to define the current situation quantitatively and qualitatively, in relation to the main elements of the project. Its overall objective is to provide data, and an evidence-based analysis of the situation, which would feed into the project’s logical framework.

Application Deadline:

The deadline for submitting the application is: November 18th, 2021 by 4:00 PM.

Applications must be sent to :[email protected]

For those who are interested, kindly download the following:  Term of Reference 

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 18, Nov, 2021
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