Brand Name Desktop Workstation, Powerful MacBook & LCD Proje...


(Closing Date: 2019-12-16)

Brand Name Desktop Workstation, Powerful MacBook & LCD Projectors
(Reference Number 2019/507)




Please submit offers on the subject above as detailed in the attached file, taking into consideration the following:

1-      Time of delivery.

2-      Prices in EURO & Zero VAT.

3-      Abidance to specifications and quantity.

4-      The university has the right of dividing the tender between more than one supplier, or cancel it without any legal obligation.

5-      The university is not obligated to accept the lowest prices, without giving any reasons or justifications.

6-      A bank check or bank guarantee amounting 10% of the total & valid for 90 days must be attached to your offer.

7-      A valid performance bank guarantee amounting 10% of the amount won in the tender should be submitted to BZU on the date of signing the contract, and to take in consideration that it should be valid for 60 days after the delivery date mentioned in your offer. 

8-      The offer should be valid for at least 90 days.

9-      For further information about the tender please call Mr. Adel Ghaith at telephone # 02 2982136.

10-  Any offer that does not comply with above conditions will not be taken into consideration.

11-  The offer should be presented in a closed, sealed envelope, with the company name and address written, in addition to the tender title & number.

12-  The non refundable tender price of JD 100, should be deposited in Finance Department for between 9am - 3pm except Fridays & Sundays.

13-  The deadline for the offer is December 16 th,2019 at 12 noon, and should be submitted at the  office of Vice President for Finance,  Located at the Administration Building, Second Floor, Office #315, Birzeit University.

14-   A complete set of the tender document may be downloaded from the university website

15-  The financial offer and the technical offer should be submitted in separate documents  otherwise the offer will be not be considered.

16-  Please review the attached file for information about Technical Specifications and quantities.

 Attachment Name     المواصفات_والكميات.docx

المكان رام الله والبيرة, الخليل, بيت لحم, أريحا, سلفيت وبديا, نابلس, جنين, طولكرم, قلقيلية, طوباس
موعد الإنتهاء 16, Dec, 2019
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