Call for proposal for demand-driven skills training in Pales...


The project Skilled Young Palestine is implemented by Enabel, the Belgian development agency in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour. The aim is to increase youth resilience and facilitate the transition to employment and self-employment in Palestine. To support the preparation of youth for the labour market, the project is seeking for the support of the private sector and Palestinian vocational training providers. Therefore, Enabel Palestine is launching a Call for proposals for demand-driven skills training.

More information on the Call and the application form can be found here:

Two information sessions explaining the objectives of the Call and the way of application will be held.

First session, September 17th:

Second session, September 24th:

Deadline: Monday, October 19th, at 4:00PM.

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 19, Oct, 2020
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