Case Study on Effective Policies, Programmes & Practices to...
Request for Offers
Terms of Reference for a Case Study on Effective policies, Programmes and Practices to Promote Inclusion and Equity of Education in Palestine
Offer Reference: RAM/2018/ED/SE/161
Offers received between (dates): 5 – 20 April 2018
Offers received between (Hours): 08:00 - 16:00 (Ramallah time)
Proposed validity of price offers: One time offer
Expected scope of work: 4 months ending by 31 August 2018
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with its focus on leaving no one behind, provides a unique opportunity to build societies that are more inclusive and fair. Finding ways of including all learners and giving them equal opportunity for educational progress remains a major challenge.
In spite of significant achievements in the reduction of the proportion of out-of-school children, still 264 million children and youth are not going to school. It is not enough just to go to school: children must also learn while they are there. Recent data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics revealed that globally, six out of ten children and adolescents are not learning a minimum in reading and mathematics. The data suggest three common problems. First, lack of access, with children who are out of school having little or no chance to reach a minimum proficiency level. Second, a failure to retain every child in school and keep them on track. Third, the issue of education quality and what is happening within the classroom itself (
While poor quality education systems are adversely affecting learning outcomes for all students, children and youth marginalized by disability, gender, social origin, economic status and location and are disproportionately affected. Access to quality education for refugees and migrants is also limited.
This is the challenge of inclusive education - removing barriers to continued and sustained participation in education and learning.
UNESCO promotes the advancement of the understanding and the documenting of factors that allow inclusion in education. Thanks to financial support from the Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Foundation, UNESCO will increase the amount of resources in Arabic to support inclusion in the Arab region. The proposed case study would contribute to strengthen knowledge and sharing of experiences in order to facilitate implementation of inclusive strategies in the context of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
Objectives of the case study
The case study aims to take stock, review progress and identify sectors and topics where progress remains a major challenge, to ensure inclusion and equity in education in Palestine.
Contents of the case study may cover:
• Reviews of available information and knowledge in Palestine, i.e. reports on inclusive education projects and qualitative/quantitative research on specific themes.
• Processes of transformation in education systems, teacher education and schools.
• Processes to include learners who have been previously marginalized or excluded in education.
• How the concept of inclusive education is perceived and applied in the reported case (by e.g. policymakers, education authorities, school leaders and teachers)
• Key factors in transformation processes and stakeholders who enable and contribute to change towards inclusive approaches
• Analysis of inclusive pedagogy materials produced or adapted to different contexts, for schools and teacher development.
• Inspiring innovations in learning, e.g. inclusive use of materials or technology.
Minimum qualifications:
• Advanced degree in Education or related fields
• At least 7 years of experience of work on inclusive education
• Knowledge of the Palestinian context
• Excellent English and Arabic language skills
Time frame and budget:
The following timeframe and guideline milestone dates are proposed:
• Outline of the case study submitted for UNESCO review and approval: by Friday 18 May 2018
The outline should provide information concerning:
1. Topic (focus of the study)
2. Materials to be used (research, reports, own data collection, literature to be reviewed)
3. Team members
4. Timetable
• First draft of the case study submitted for UNESCO review and approval: by Friday 29 June 2018
• Final version of the case study submitted for UNESCO review and approval: by Friday 31 August 2018
• The case study should be written in Arabic, with 1 page of an executive summary in English.
• The length of a case study should be around 20 pages (A4), excluding annexes and references.
• Transportation and travel expenses required for the case study are inclusive in the total budget.
All-inclusive Budget: USD 6,000
All offers are to be on letterhead and signed, and attached to a copy of this offer which must be stamped and signed on each page as agreement to the terms of reference, enclosed in a sealed envelope and delivered BY HAND or scanned to pdf and sent by email with the heading:
“A Case Study on Effective Policies, Programmes and Practices to
Promote Inclusion and Equity of Education in Palestine” to:
The Finance and Administrative Officer, UNESCO Ramallah
35 Al – Ahliya College Street Ramallah, Palestine
Via the link:
Received, by the deadline date and time, subject to the following:
1. Send formal offer proposal on company letterhead, dated, signed and stamped with clearly indicated unit costs excluding VAT (UNESCO is VAT exempted).
2. Each proposal must be attached to a copy of this offer (which must also have the stamp and signature of the supplier on each page as acknowledgement of the terms of offer).
3. All offers must include the following certification –
“All the goods/services to be provided under the terms of this offer are available and the
company/individual holds a bank account in the same name as indicated on the letterhead or
1. Full company/individual profile or curriculum vitae detailing previous experience, references or links and services offered (max two pages).
2. Please indicate the offer title in the email subject: A Case Study on Effective Policies, Programmes and Practices to Promote Inclusion and Equity of Education in Palestine