
Price Quotation for Media Outreach & Coverage


JUHOUD for Community and Rural Development has received fund to support youth employment in Furniture sector with special focus on women. The project will mainly target Salfit, Nablus, Ramallah and Bethlehem areas. The project is built to secure employment commitments from employers and demand; that understands the market’s actual needs, including skills training, career guidance, internship and linking youth and women with employers that provide sustained jobs (not less than 6 months) in Furniture industry.


JUHOUD for Community is collecting price quotations for Communication and Media agency to cover the project’s activities and youth journey during the project mainly in: Ramallah, Bethlehem, Salfit, and Nablus areas for up to 12 months with the possibility to extend according to the specifications in Annex 1

Specific Conditions:

  1. Work Environment: JUHOUD is a Palestinian NGO committed to supporting community development through promoting economic development projects to betterment of people’s livelihoods; employability – Job creation and TVET projects for youth and women to open a window for them to find decent jobs, and civic and community engagement projects to reinforcement of youth and women participation at the local level by using a participatory approach that emphasizes self-reliance while fostering a sense of national and community belonging. Juhoud’s staff consists of Administrative Officers and Field Coordinators where their mainly work is managing and supervising activities, beneficiaries and stakeholders in the West Bank and E-Jerusalem areas.
  2. Geographic Area/s: The projects activities implemented by Juhoud will conduct mainly in Ramallah, Bethlehem, Salfit, and Nablus with possibility to expand and to cover more area’s in the West Bank and/or E-Jerusalem,
  3. Duration: it will be implemented up to 12 Months with the possibility to extend,
  4. The supplier should provide a taxable invoice and a valid deduction at source certificate.

Price Offer Conditions

  1. The supplier shall include a clear media and communication plan and presentation.
  2. The Price Quotation should be submitted in (U.S Dollar), including VAT.
  3. The Price Offer is Valid until the End of the Project (31.12.2022).
  4. The price offer shall include a clear media and communication plan, presentation.
  5. The payment will be within one month after issuing the taxable invoice.
  6. The dead line of sending the price offer is Thursday 12/08/2021 at 11:00 am.
  7. In the Price Offer shall be clear with all specifications and fees,
  8. The Price Offer is negotiable.
  9. Please refer to Annex 1 and Complete the Template with the Requested Information.
  10. Send Your Price Offer by Email address: [email protected] and Sealed Envelope to Juhoud Office located in: Ramallah/Al Masyoun – Sama Ramallah Building, 4th Floor
  11. For more information please contact JUHOUD office Telephone number: +970 2 2957201 Mobile number :0594444959
  12. Awarding Criteria: The contract will be awarded to the Supplier that offers (Best Quality and Best Price).
  13. Advertising costs for those who are awarded the bid.
  14. JUHOUD's days off are Friday and Sunday.

Attachment: Annex I

المكان رام الله والبيرة, بيت لحم
موعد الإنتهاء 12, Aug, 2021
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