Computers and Accessories - Specs
(Closing Date: 2021-09-13)
Computers and Accessories - Specs
(Reference Number 2021/558)
Please submit offers on the subject above as detailed in the attached file, taking into consideration the following:
Contract (or Purchase Order for suppliers) terms:
1- If the awarded contractor declined/delayed in receiving the tender award decision, or signing the notifying form or the contract within the designated date, then the insurance money offered by them is to be forfeited (if the tender is conditioned by a security deposit) and brought into the university account, the tender then is awarded to the second choice in the list.
2- If the awarded contractor default in executing the tender or has a delay in delivering the supplies or carrying out the agreed upon work fully or partly within the designated date, or violated any part of the tender terms including the adherence to the technical specification, then the university has the right to buy the supplies from the domestic or the foreign markets and in the common prices, also it has the right to execute the works in the way and costs that suits it, the university can also charge the contractor the price difference and any additional charges.
3- In addition to what is mentioned above, the contractor or participant's file and violations will be remitted to the Central Tenders Committee to discuss the necessity of imposing additional penalties on the contractor or the participant depending on the effects of the violations, and ensuring these violations are not to be repeated in the future by doing the following:
a- The participant will be banned from entering any future university tenders for a whole year after the date of notifying him/her.
b- The participant will be banned from entering any future university tenders, and will be listed in the blacklist with setting out reasons and will be cleared from it only by a decision from the university chairperson.
4- The Procurement and Supplies unit manager will notify the participant or the contractor with the Central Tenders Committee decision in 10 days of the issuing date.
Please review the attached file for information about Technical Specifications and quantities.
Attachment Computer_and_Accessories_-_Specs_-_Aug_2021.docx