Conducting Market Survey and development of qualified suppli...
Request for Proposal for Services
LRPS-2023- 9180690
Institutional consultancy services for Conducting Market Survey and development of qualified suppliers list in the State of Palestine (SoP) with visits to suppliers/services and works providers located in located in Jerusalem, West Bank , Gaza and the neighbouring countries.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the State of Palestine, wishes to invite qualified institutional consultancy services providers to submit technical and financial proposals for Conducting Market Survey and development of qualified suppliers list in the State of Palestine (SoP). The service provider will also assess availability of locally sourced supplies, equipment and services, in order to pre-qualify vendors for local procurement initiatives and develop a local supplier data base that can be maintained by the Office in the State of Palestine (SoP) and will visits to suppliers/services and works providers located Jerusalem, West Bank , Gaza and the neighbouring countries .As fully detailed in the Terms of Reference attached as Annex B and its sub annexes (i &ii)
As detailed in:
-This document
-ANNEX A: The UNICEF General Terms and Conditions of Contract (Services)
-ANNEX B and it's sub-annexes (i & ii): Terms of Reference to this LRPS (TOR)
Qualified Institutional Consultancy Services Firms interested in offering their Market Survey and development of qualified suppliers list are kindly invited to visit UNGM website to review the Request for Proposal LRPS-2023-9180690 and its Annexes at:
And shall submit complete technical and financial proposals, together with all required supporting documents, by email to:
By the closing date of February 24th, 2023. Please pay special attention to the forecast schedule on page 5 of the LRPS and adhere to.
موعد الإنتهاء
24, Feb, 2023
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