Conducting Rapid Market Assessment and Developing Business P...



Conducting Rapid Market Assessment and Developing Business Plan

MA’AN, in partnership with ActionAid Palestine, is currently implementing the project "Humanitarian Program funded by DANIDA" which aims to strengthen the resilience and protection of women and young people affected by the protracted crisis and disasters in the Gaza Strip in line with IHRL and IHL. As part of this program, MA'AN will undertake a set of activities that aim at strengthening the economic resilience of a group of vulnerable women through supporting their engagement in small-scale income-generation projects, mainly food production and animal husbandry.

MA'AN seeks to contract qualified a consultant to conduct a rapid market assessment to identify market-based economic opportunities in major economic sectors in the Gaza Strip. The rapid market assessment should rely on previous reports or studies developed for the same purpose and supported with the analysis and recommendations of the consultant based on their previous relevant experience. The general scope of the market assessment is to have a basic and holistic understanding of the current economic sectors, market dynamics, and the existing economic opportunities with the following minimum qualifications:

  • Academic qualification in economics, business administration or any relevant field. Master's degree and above is preferred.
  • Solid and broad knowledge of data collection and analysis techniques, research methodology, research development and business planning.
  • Demonstrated experience in market analysis and business development.
  • Good reporting, writing, and communication skills, with specific reference to analytical reports and researches.
  • Demonstrated and strong understanding of humanitarian standards, right to participation, organizational capacity development, international humanitarian law and Human Rights, especially in relation to women empowerment.
  • Ability to develop concrete methodology and timeframe for delivering the required consultancy service within the specified duration.
  • Interested consultant firms should review the full ToR for this consultancy and can get a copy from it from MAAN-Gaza Gaza strip  from 6th  Aug 2018 – 12th Aug 2018  and submit offer in two sealed envelopes; one for the technical offer and another one for the financial offer by 13th Aug 2018 (before 12:00 pm) at MA’AN Development Center office in Gaza, Palestine (Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square,Al Motaz 2 Building –Ground Floor Next to Blood Bank Building, Tel.: 08-2823712)
  • The awarded Consultant of this offer will be required to pay for the cost of this advertisement.
  • Offers will be assessed first on their technical merit using the evaluation criteria below. Only technical scores of at least 70 points will qualify for the financial review. The financial offer weight is 30% from the total weight while the technical offer is 70% of the total weight.
  • Financial Offer must be in USD.
المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 13, Aug, 2018
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