Country Strategy Paper (CSP) Development Process





Country Strategy Paper (CSP) Development Process

ActionAid Palestine (AAP)


ActionAid commenced work in Palestine in 2007 as a program of ActionAid Australia (formerly Austcare). In 2012, ActionAid Palestine became a full country program within the ActionAid Federation. The handover from ActionAid Australia to ActionAid International was completed in December 2014. However, ActionAid Palestine continues to be registered as a branch of ActionAid Australia in front of the Palestinian National Authority.

In 2018, ActionAid Palestine developed its second CSP “Collective Action for Palestinian Justice 2018-2022” which confirms ActionAid Palestine’s commitment to continuity and alignment; it builds on our first strategy People’s Action for Justice and embraces ActionAid International's strategy Action for Global Justice 2028 and contextualizes it in the Palestinian context. AAP Strategy 2022 provides a 5-year strategic direction that governs and directs the presence and operation of ActionAid in Palestine.


The CSP development process objectives are to:

  1. Provide holistic context analysis at the Palestinian, regional and global arena in regard to the Palestinian human and national rights, including identifying of enabling and disabling factor the medium to long term period.
  2. Provide an informed opinion, recommendations and actionable strategic direction for the period from 2023-2028 taking AAP and ApS integration as well as the Country Model Review into consideration.
  3. Develop a 5-year Country Strategy Paper highlight the changes suggested to the three programmatic strategic objectives as well as the organizational shifts
  4. Guide AAP and ApS fundraising strategy/plan considering the merge process, expected funding schemes to be eligible for and the key donors interested in the strategic vision and mission of AAP.
  5. Guide the Country Program Communication and advocacy strategy to be aligned to the programmatic focus and HRBA approach.
  6. Suggest the Human Resource needs for AAP and ApS to help a smooth and fair integration process



The assignment shall be conducted between July-Oct 2022. Specific level of effort for the consultant will be based on the agreed workplan that will be finalized with the contract.


  • Education: Graduate Degree (MA or equivalent) in strategic planning, organizational development, institutional capacity building, Gender, Business Administration, or related fields.
  • Minimum ten years of relevant experience in the field of consultancy.
  • Proven experience in conducting similar assignments, providing a sample of previous work is essential.
  • Excellent leadership, research and analytical skills
  • In depth knowledge and experience in using participatory approaches and methods.
  • Proven ability to organize and facilitate events with big number of people.



Consultants/firms that meet the requirements should submit expression of interest, which should include the following:

  1. Cover letter including the consultant’s suitability for the assignment and current contact information
  2. Curriculum Vitae with relevant consultancy experience as stated in the QUALIFICATION section.
  3. At least 2 recommendation letters from former clients that testify the applicant/s experience and performance in conducting mentorship activities.
  4. Include 1-2 samples of previous strategy development/strategy review
  5. Technical offer: respond to the call for consultancy TOR, showing the consultant/s understanding of the assignment and how this can be taken forward.
  6. Financial offer: detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates in USD and initial work plan.
    • Prices are inclusive of value added tax for establishments officially registered with the Ministry of Finance; while for individuals and non-profit institutions, the offered prices will be subject to a 5% deduction for income tax.
    • Official registered applicants must submit a deduction from source certificate along with the offer.
    • Prices are to be submitted in USD and are valid for 30 days starting from the applications’ closing date.
    • The quotation must be detailed and based on the work mechanism proposed by the consultant.
    • The quotation Opening Committee is not bound by the lowest prices.

All offers must be submitted in a sealed and stamped envelopes no later than the 27th of June 2022 to ActionAid Palestine office in As Salam St. Hebron.

ActionAid Palestine is keen to provide equal opportunities for all. The consultants/firms will be selected according to the above qualifications, and only awarded applicant will be contacted.

Interested applicant can obtain the Term of Reference by sending an e-mail to [email protected] from the 19th- 23rd of June 2022 between 9:00 AM to 03:00 PM. Please indicated this in the mail subject [AAP CSP development assignment].

ActionAid offers equal opportunities for all. ActionAid Palestine is committed to SHEA (Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse) and safeguarding overarching principles

المكان الخليل
موعد الإنتهاء 27, Jun, 2022
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