Consultancy Services for “A Training Needs Assessment”


Extended - Terms of Reference 

Consultancy Services for “A Training Needs Assessment”


Bayader for Environment & Development (Bayader) is a non – government organization established in 2007 aiming to develop the Palestinian community and society in child protection & education, development and institution building, community development, economic empowerment & civic participation and emergency response & early recovery.

Bayader is working in the field of community initiatives mainly in non-profit activities with community.

For more information about Bayader, 

Bayader has a long-term and strategic partnership with Islamic Relief- Palestine office in Gaza (IRPAL), whereby Bayader was the responsible for implementing a range of projects and initiatives, and collaborating with IRPAL in mutual objectives. Since April 2021, Bayader is the implementing local partner with IRPAL under a project entitled “Strengthening the role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Municipalities towards Environment Protection in the Gaza Strip“. The project is funded by Islamic Relief- Sweden by a grant from Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperating Agency), through ForumCiv (Swedish non-profit organization), and it will end in December 2022.

Specific Purpose and Objectives of Assignment

The purpose of the assessment is to conduct a comprehensive training needs assessment (TNA) to determine the current capacities and gaps in relation to the main areas of the project activities (right to environmental protection, advocacy methods, participation, democratic decision making, accountability and transparency among the targeted staff at Bayader, CSOs and SHGs AND governance, accountability, transparency, participation, and democratic decision making processes among of the targeted members at the municipalities), in addition to other relevant topics on the basis of consultant’s own suggestion or suggestions from project participants and stakeholders. The assessment will establish a baseline for the project’s key indicators, and facilitate implementation of activities towards meeting the project goal/sub-goals

Download ToR Training Needs Assessment

How to apply

  • Interested applicants with required qualification and experience must submit their applications by 27th May 2021 (15:00 pm at the latest) at Bayader office at the following address:  Khan Younis- Bani Suhaila- HaifaStr.- Abu Lehyia Building. The application should include technical and financial (price offers) in separate sealed envelopes. There will be a possibility of receiving online applications in case of movement restrictions.
  • We are aiming to select the consultant by 31th May 2021, and start the contract on 3rd June 2021. The deadline for submitting the final report will be 30th June 2021.
  • Following submission, Bayader may engage in further discussion with applicants concerning quotations in order to ensure mutual understanding and an optimal agreement.
  • Please address any queries or issues relating to the quotation directly to the email: [email protected] 
  • Any Proposal received after the due date will be rejected.
المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 27, May, 2021
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