Consultancy Services for Providing Support for the technical...
In the frame of: “Gaza SAFE: Health, Water, Training and Emergency Preparedness. Strengthen the emergency preparedness and emergency response mechanisms in the Gaza Strip by improving access to emergency health - AID11620/WWGVC/SDG/4”, implemented by WeWorld-GVC. WeWorld-GVC would like to invite you to submit your quotation for providing services of SUPPORT FOR THE TECHNICAL PLAN OF TREATMENT AND WASTEWATER NETWORK according to the below Terms of References- TOR (ANNEX A). Please note the following:
-1 The invitation is for sealed offers from eligible and highly qualified national companies/firms (hereafter incumbent) who are specialized in the sanitation and wastewater engineering and management and who are located in Gaza Strip.
-3 Location : The required services will be performed in Al Shifa hospital, Gaza, Gaza Strip. Given that, the company is fully responsible for all required procedures and costs to perform the required services and any other costs that might require for completion of services in accordance to the TOR.
-4 The companies must submit within the offer the attached (ANNEX B) duly signed, stamped and dated.
-5 The evaluation of the received offers will be done as per the principles listed in the TOR.
-6 Submittals: The companies have to submit by hand three (3) hard copies and one soft copy on a CD of the following documents: -
-Technical offer
-CV 's for the key experts and staff
-Company profile
-Previous experience
-Company’s Official Registration and classification papers at the Palestinian Engineers Syndicate.
-VAT Deduction Certificate.
-The financial proposal: it shall be filled and printed in full including this consultancy ToR, every paper shall be signed and stamped. It should be in EUR excluding VAT.
-7 Offers must be submitted as below table: -
If you are interested, please download full ToR: WWGVC_AICS_AID101219_RFQ_C… Plan.docx