Consultancy Services to Develop a Baseline/End line Report


The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Consultancy Services to Develop a Baseline/End line Report

For the Shadow Councils in the West Bank


The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD) is a leading women’s rights organization that contributes to the feminist struggle against all kinds of discrimination entrenched by the prolonged Israeli occupation and patriarchal structures and norms of the Palestinian society. Famous for its solid relation with the grassroots, PWWSD is a reference for women, individuals and institutions and CBOs interested in women’s rights. It works on creating supportive public opinion of women's rights with a focus on promoting women’s rights on the base of human rights, peace and security agenda, gender equality, social justice and equal citizenship. 

PWWSD designs its interventions, builds its partnerships and mobilizes its resources to contribute to social change, promote good governance and democracy, advocate for human rights and confront oppression in peaceful means. 

PWWSD has developed a partnership with the Swedish Center Party (CIS) since 2016 to promote Palestinian women’s participation in politics in all decision-making circles. PWWSD utilizes tools of adult education, advocacy and lobbying, national dialogue and coordination with representatives from governmental, legislative, and community-based institutions, including ministers, political leaders from Democratic parties and PLO, activists from civil society organizations, CBOs and human rights organizations.

As a continuation of this partnership, the current project “Enhancing Palestinian women's political participation and influence” is being implemented by the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD) for the period from 1/01/2021 until 31/12/2022. The project aims to contribute towards increased political participation and influence of women and youth in the democratic political development in Palestine. 

The project specific outcomes are:

  • Women local shadow council members, women, and young leaders demonstrate increased awareness and confidence to address political and socio-economic rights by 2022.
  • Young women and men are empowered as potential champions and mobilizers for social attitudinal change toward their rights to participate in political processes
  • The society and policy makers are more sensitized of women rights in the political life and more supportive

The action will contribute to the global objective of strengthening the role of shadow councils and their members to participate in political processes and community development. The action will give special attention to fostering shadow councils’ members role in decision-making at the local level, particularly with local authorities, building on existing mechanisms of engagement such asconsultative committees set up by municipalities or by ministries at governorate level. Through capacity-building based on assessment and activation of the role of shadow councils and their members, it will contribute to more capable, transparent, accountable and sustainable councils.

Purpose and Scope of Assignment

PWWSD seeks to procure the services of an external consultant to develop a baseline analytical study to present evidence-based information on the capacities and achievements of the existing shadow council members, to analyse the capacities of the shadow councils based on the skills and knowledge they already have. A report will be published as a result. 

The main objectives

  1. Develop a baseline analytical survey to present evidence-based information on the capacities and achievements of the existing shadow council members.
  2. Develop an analytical report that analyse the capacities of the existing and new shadow councils based on the skills and knowledge they already have.

The Scope of Work

The baseline analytical survey will be conducted with the targeted shadow councils in the West Bank; mainly in Ramallah, Bethlehem, Nablus, Hebron, Tulkarem and Jenin with a total of 90 shadow councils. The survey shall be conducted in the form of questionnaires, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions if needed. The information will be collected, analyzed and the report will be developed in English, with an Arabic summary. The consultant will work with PWWSD team to formulate the final report. 

Data will be collected at the shadow councils’ level; however, additional data may be needed to be collected from local authorities and other relevant stakeholders. 

The baseline study will provide a baseline report for 90 shadow councils in order to analyze the current status of each of the targeted shadow councils and establish a benchmark to be used as a measurement to monitor the progress of the shadow councils against a set indicators. To do this, the consultant will use the project results as a framework for the study. Based on this information the consultant team would identify recommendations that may guide the project team and PWWSD.

The Assignment should be accomplished by: Mid-July 2020

Place of implementation: The survey will be implemented in the West Bank, mainly in locations where the shadow councils are located or virtual depending on the emergency situation and in line with government protective measures, or through any other mean according to the need. The expert will be provided with a list that includes the names, locations and key persons of the local councils. 

Expected outputs

The service would have the following output: 

  1. Baseline analytical report to present evidence-based information on the capacities and achievements of the existing shadow councils and recommendations to move forward.

Tasks and Responsibilities

The consultation team will undertake the following tasks:

  1. Collect data (quantitative and qualitative): 

The consultant would need to:

  • Provide details of methods to be used for data collection and sampling methodology for data collection across the shadow councils. 
  • Develop detailed survey tools i.e. questionnaires, focus groups and/or KII questions. 
  • All qualitative and quantitative raw data collected and presented in an excel spreadsheet and analytical reports. 
  1. The analysis would need to shed light on current capacities of the shadow councils, the shadow council’s management structures, and participation of members (disaggregated by age).
  2. Record and analyze the quality and quantity of the services being offered or have been offered to support shadow councils members.
  3. Analysis of the services that are rendered by the Shadow Councils and their engagement with the local communities and local authorities to promote women political participation, more specifically in local development. 
  4. Develop the draft report in English with and Executive Summary in Arabic
  5. Submit the draft report to PWWSD for feedback.
  6. Develop the final report in English, an Executive Summary in Arabic, and a PowerPoint Presentation to present the findings and recommendations.

Key Qualifications

The consultant would need to have the following qualifications: 

  • At least 5 years in developing research and baseline studies in the field of gender equality and women empowerment (PWWSD might request samples, if necessary); 
  • Excellent knowledge in the current political, economic and social context in Palestine.
  • Experience in conducting impact assessments, baseline surveys or other types of evaluation or research with special focus on evaluation techniques and participatory research methods.  
  • A Post-Graduate Degree in Gender and Development or any related social sciences.  
  • Research experience that is relevant to gender and women political empowerment is a must.
  • Experience in using innovative data collection methodology and approach. 
  • Ability to analyze and present data concisely and clearly. 
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Strong conceptual and analytical skills. 
  • Communicate and follow-up with PWWSD for any developments that may arise during the implementation process to ensure that the planning process proceeds as planned and to explore alternatives solutions if necessary. 
  • Excellent writing skills in English.

Submission details

Interested firmsand individuals should submit the technical and financial proposals for the above mentioned tasks with a cover letter by June, 8, 2021 at 3:00 to the following email address: [email protected], with Title “CIS Baseline/End line surveys– (Name of firm/consultant)”. 

The technical proposal should include the following:

  1. The methodology of the work.
  2. Suggested time frame.
  3. Organization profile and administrative information.
  4. Key professional personnel.
  5. Three samples of recent similar work.

The financial proposal should include:

  1. A separate financial proposal setting out a budget for the assignment.
  2. The proposed budget in Dollar should be inclusive of all costs, including professional, travel, accommodation, living expenses, among others. (VAT inclusive)
  3. The firm must have a source of deduction certificate and invoices

PWWSD is not obligated to select the lowest cost. PWWSD will evaluate the offers based on competitiveness, quality, and experience, evaluation of presented samples, and eligibility based on the above, as well as evaluation of the reasonability of the price offered. Applications not including all of the above information will not be reviewed. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

For further questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Christeen Shqair  –at 02-2986761.

Evaluation Criteria

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 08, Jun, 2021
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