Design an Agri-Business Skills Development Program on Innova...


In the framework of the Project “Strengthening the Resilience of Gaza’s Population (GRP)” funded by the German government through GIZ, MAAN is implementing the project: "Strengthening the Resilience of Deir Al Balah Youth through Self-Sustained Services". The project aims at establishing a protected space for young female and male Gazans to provide self-sufficient socio-economic community services including a space for skills development and green innovation. The project targets Deir El Balah area of 53,000 people including one Refugee Camp. A new model of community service centers will be established and managed as a social enterprise to sustain the community support/innovation services. Thus, it contributes to enhancing resilience and increasing the capacities of the most vulnerable groups in Deir Al Balah.

MA’AN is seeking the services of a qualified highly experienced consultancy firm to develop a comprehensive training module on innovative and climate-smart farming and food processing practices and technologies (in Arabic); in addition to, delivering training to selected potential resource persons (Training of Trainers‐ TOT).

The training module should support female and male youth to access resilient livelihoods while contributing to preserving agricultural natural resources. The training should be interactive including in-class and on-field training activities.

  • The training thematic areas should consider the business and production activities that are related to the following businesses:
  • Closed house broiler farm.
  • Production of frozen fruits and vegetables applying green principles.
  • Climate-smart vegetable farming.

The consulting firm must demonstrate that it has enough experience and capacity to achieve the consultancy assignments effectively.

  • Interested consultant firms should review the full ToR for this consultancy and can get a copy from it from MAAN-Gaza Gaza strip from 21ST June 2022  –29th  June 2022  and submit offer in two sealed envelopes; one for the technical offer and another one for the financial offer by 30th  June 2022 (before 12:00 pm) at MAAN Office Gaza-Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square- Al Motaz 2 Building –Ground Floor- Next to Blood Bank Building Tele 08- 2823712
  • The awarded consultant of this offer will be required to pay for the cost of this advertisement.
  • All costs above must be in Euro excluding VAT (ZERO VAT Invoice required)
  • The Offer is valid for consultant firm.
  • Prices must be valid for at least 120 days from the tender submission date.
  • Supplier /service provider must provide Valid deduction at Source certificate.
  • The TOR document must be signed and attached with the financial offer .
  • Consultancy firm must attach signed commitment letters from nominated consultants with the technical offer.
  • A Pre-bid meeting to respond to any inquiries will be carried out on Monday 27th June 2022 at 11:00 PM in MAAN – Gaza Office – Al Moatz 2 Building ground flour.


المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 30, Jun, 2022
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