
Request for Price Quotations “Design & Print Visibility Materials”- APLA

The Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA) is a semi-governmental association that forms a comprehensive framework which holds all the Palestinian local authorities and works for and with them, to provide better services for the Palestinian citizen by defending their rights, and representing them on all levels nationally, regionally, and internationally. APLA has developed its Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022 with three main strategic goals to strengthen its institutional and operational capacities, enhance the capacity of LGU’s to provide better service to citizens, and lobby and advocate for the interests and needs of LGU’s locally and internationally.

The GIZ- Local Governance Reform Programme (LGRP) II of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) aims to enhance the Local Government Units’ (LGU) performance, through capacity development and introduction of new approaches, tools, solutions, and methodologies, that eventually lead to enhanced service delivery of the LGUs. 

LGRP II is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ) and Co-financed by the Swiss development Cooperation (SDC).

The Main objectives of GIZ-LGRPII are:

Improve relations between Citizens and the participation of citizens: including women and youth is enhanced and transparency of local governance is increased. 

Improve the planning processes in the LGUs: the inter-institutional and effective integration of local and national level is improved through participatory planning processes.

Improve Cooperation between LGUs and the different tiers of government: the roles and responsibilities of the central and local levels are clarified.

Improve the fiscal capacities of LGUS through improved options for own revenue generation and access to inter-governmental financing mechanisms.

For this endeavor, LGRP continues to further support the implementation of the strategic plan and the organizational development measures for the Association of the Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA).

The general objective of the Local subsidy is contribute to the institutionalization of the technical hubs into APLA structure (The Technical Support Unit) through the provision of institutional, organizational and operational support to APLA. 

APLA with the support of (GIZ- LGRPII) are issuing a call for proposal concerning “Design and print APLA’s visibility materials”.

Throughout the year, APLA designs, promotes, carry out campaigns and publish materials in regards to its work, achievements, programs, activities, and on-going projects in corporation with its communication department.

To this end, APLA with the support of (GIZ-LGRPII) is keen for contracting a qualified firm who has proven experience to design and print APLA’s visibility materials.

The assignment aims basically to design and implement the following professional items:

Design and print 2020 APLA’s annual report- Arabic version.

Design and print 2020 APLA’s annual report- English version.

Design and print 2020 APLA’s financial statement & audit report.

Design & print ONE wide roll- up for.

Design and print (18) PVC printings.

Print SDG’s, LED, and Women Mayors’ booklets.

APLA invites interested companies who have the needed capacities to submit their financial proposals. To find the full terms of reference, and the submission requirements, please follow the link: 



2nd floor, Safad Building, Jabra Al Anqar street , Al Masyoun, Ramallah, Palestine

Phone: 02.2960712.

المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 29, Sep, 2021
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