Develop an already established e-forum


Call for Price Offers


To contract a qualified and experienced company to develop an already established e-forum

Background Information

Teacher Creativity Center and ACEA:

Teacher Creativity Center "TCC" is defined as a non-for-profit, non-governmental Palestinian registered organization that is mainly devoted to transforming the role of education in Palestine to become a socially-responsible education.


A productive, tolerant, proactive and contemporary Palestinian Citizen that is committed to his/her national identity and actively involved in building a democratic society

Mission Statement:

TCC is a non-for-profit socially responsible education-organization that works on empowering local communities and relevant public and private stakeholders to achieve the developmental outcomes of quality education and promote justice, quality and inclusion. 


 Arab Campaign for Education for All “ACEA”:


Led by TCC, Arab Campaign for Education for All is an independent, non-profit regional coalition of national education coalitions operating in the Arab countries, consisting of networks, coalitions, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, teachers' unions, associations and other sectors, which are interested in education in the Arab countries.


 ACEA seeks to unite and mobilize the efforts of civil societies to ensure the commitment of achieving the SDG4 from all stakeholders in the Arab region and to lead an education movement integrating all the civil society efforts in this regard. The founding of the Arab Campaign for Education for All comes within the framework of the Global Campaign for Education “GCE” that based on Jomtien conference 1990 and Dakar conference in April 2000. The announcement of ACEA was mentioned in Sanaa Declaration during Sanaa Conference that was held in the 27th May 2009. The goal of ACEA is to contribute to the promotion of education as a fundamental human right, and to mobilize efforts to put pressure on governments and the international community to fulfill their promises in general pertaining to ensure free and compulsory basic education of good quality for all especially women and vulnerable and disadvantaged children. Arab campaign for Education for All “ACEA” is committed to achieve its mission in the framework of objectivity, transparency, accountability, and equality following democratic standards in all plans and procedures in line with the Global Campaign for Education for All “GCE” and its commitments in the World Conference for the year 2001 in order to build an international movement based on the principles of good governance


Purpose of this call for Price Offers

The purpose of this call is to contract a qualified and experienced company to develop an already established e-forum, which served the education coalitions in the Arab region. We seek to develop the forum to help us launch a regional advocacy campaign on financing education in the Arab region, through:

Designing a logo for the campaign and modifying the page header
Rename the icons in the forum
Adding media materials, videos and reports on the web page
Update the forum for a period of 6 months
Provide technical support to the campaign team for one year
Training team members and partners on how to use the forum for a full working day


Technical Features of E-forum

Modern, Unique and creative graphics design
Website CMS PHP MYSQL MVC / Not Open-Source Platform
Multi user CMS with different Permissions (Functions and content)
HTML5/CSS3 Front end
Two Languages AR/EN
Full Mobile Responsive
Home Page Builder /Dynamic Sections
Advance Content Editor, Text Formatting and Spell Checker
Compatible with all Web Browsers (IE, Firefox. Chrome, Opera, Safari…etc.)
Full Dynamic Content / Unlimited Pages
Photo Galleries/ Like FB Albums
Video Galleries Up loader & YouTube
Uploaded Images optimization (Cropping and Resizing)
High Security Level
HTTPS Support
SEO Optimized / SEO Setup
Dynamic Sitemap
Google Analytics Integration
Social Media Integrated / Two Ways Integration (FB and Twitter)
News Letter Registration
Training, User Manual and Documentation
Members Database with Login/ Members profiles pages/ Private content / Announcements



Update e-forum meeting all the needs and purpose described above.


The contracted company is expected to finalize the developing process of this e-forum within 30 days from the date of signing the contract. TCC’s suggestions and comments should be considered. Working on this e-forum will only be considered (Finished) after the approval of TCC.   


Skills and Competencies required:

Be a reputable firm with at least 5 years of prior experience designing visually appealing and navigation friendly web sites;
Familiarity and relevant experience in using different Content Management Systems;
Have a broad knowledge of current web development technologies and design tools in the field, and new software and other web programming languages and programs;
Have excellent knowledge of recent trends in graphic design, web sites, including online video publishing, and social media networking;
Demonstrate the ability to create innovative and visually appealing design;


المكان رام الله والبيرة
موعد الإنتهاء 07, Dec, 2022
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