Developing Agricultural Non-Chemical Pest Management Guideli...
Terms of Reference for Consultancy
Developing Agricultural Non-Chemical Pest Management Guideline
(Individual consultant)
Caritas Jerusalem (CJ) is a humanitarian and development organization that represents the socio-pastoral services of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land. It was founded in 1967 in the aftermath of the Six-Day War. Caritas Jerusalem is a member of Caritas Internationals, a confederation of 165 member organizations operating in more than 200 countries. For further information about Caritas Jerusalem, please visit:
Caritas Jerusalem is seeking an experienced professional for a senior consultancy position to conduct a market study for agricultural plant production in the Bethlehem area.
The duration, requirements, and scope of work are embodied in the Term of References; please follow the below link for the full Term of References. If you are interested to compete for this assignment kindly provide us (In hard copy) your technical CV as per the attached form and financial proposal in two separate sealed envelopes by no later than Tuesday 15th / March/ 2022 at 16:00. Our addresses and contacts are included in the attached ToR’.
For more information please contact Mr. Daoud Fawadleh on telephone number: 0542683434 or 0599711680 E-mail: [email protected]
Location: Beit Jala Municipality Building – Bethlehem governorate.
Deadline: Tuesday 15th March 2022 at 16:00