Project Final Evaluation
Final Evaluation Terms of Reference
“Developing Equitable Agricultural Production and Market Systems for Resilient Economic Development in the occupied Palestinian Territory”
Purpose of the Evaluation and Specific objectives
OXFAM and partners have for many years applied a Market System Development (MSD) approach in its support to strengthen markets in West Bank & Gaza Strip. Given the de-development context in OPT on top of the protracted crises, specially, in the Gaza Strip; OXFAM initiated a hybrid approach mixing MSD facilitative approach with smart subsidies/ delivery to further incentivize market actors and share the risks of investing in a fragile context in addition to ensure targeted business resilience and buy-in for the newly introduced models. OXFAM expects to apply the hybrid MSD approach to broader program areas and to use it more widely in the future.
The purpose of this evaluation is to conduct an external final review of the program funded by Sweden: ‘Developing Equitable Agricultural Production and Market Systems for Resilient Economic Development in the occupied Palestinian Territory’, and to support Sweden, OXFAM and partners to review program implementation and achieved results, as well as provide concrete recommendations for future programming.
This evaluation has two purposes: (1) back looking to review the implementation process and assess the programme’s impact and sustainability; (2) forward looking to document and generate lessons learnt and recommendations on how OXFAM may create favourable conditions for systems approaches and adaptive programming contributing to the improvement of its future MSD/ hybrid MSD programming
If you are interested, please download full ToR
Expression of Interest (EOI):
Oxfam invites the submission of an EOI from a qualified consulting firm with the experience and skills described above. Please submit the information listed below and the (financial offer) and requested documents by email (as mentioned above) 5th February 2020 COB, addressing to: Isra Adwan: [email protected] quoting the reference code in the subject line of your email.
- Prices are valid for 60 days.
-The submitted offers should be in US dollar excluding VAT. The tendered should be able to issue a vat exempted invoice if not they can submit Payment request in addition to deduction at source certificate or will deduct a percentage of the final payment according to the laws.