Developing Management Information System for SAWA project


Invitation for Tenders
Enabel - Belgian development agency

Reference No:  PSE21003-10005
Country: Palestine
Contract Title: “Developing Management Information System for SAWA project”

Enabel is the Belgian development agency. It implements Belgium’s governmental cooperation. The agency also works for other national and international donors. With its partners in Belgium and abroad, Enabel offers solutions to address pressing global challenges - Climate Change, Urbanisation, Human Mobility, Peace and Security, Economic and Social Inequality - and to promote Global Citizenship. With 2,000 staff, Enabel manages about 170 projects in twenty countries, in Belgium, Africa and the Middle East. 

Enabel in Palestine is aiming to develop the management information system for the SAWA project to enhance and improve the efficiency in delivering business development services for the beneficiaries and the community members.

The system shall contribute to facilitating the management of all administrative processes related to projects in their various stages to be smooth and dynamic, starting from the process of attracting and receiving applications to participate in funded projects, then going through the selection process, signing contracts, follow-up, financial and logistical support, and ending with project completion and concluding reports.

Enabel now invites sealed tenders from eligible and qualified tenderers to provide the required services as per the conditions and requirements in the attached tender specifications document and considering the following:

  1. This tender is VAT excluded under certain conditions, defined in the tender documents. 
  2. Tenders shall be valid for 90 days after the tender closing.
  3. An information meeting (pre-bid meeting) will be held on 13th of April 2023 at 12:00 PM online via MS TEAMS, the link to access the meeting is in the attached Tender document.
  4. Tenders must be sent to [email protected] before the 27th of April 2023 at 11:00 AM. Late tenders will be rejected.

We look forward to receiving a proposal from you and thank you for your interest in our account.


المكان قطاع غزة
موعد الإنتهاء 27, Apr, 2023
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